Sunday, September 30, 2012


This Lumpiang Shanghai is one of the delicious snacks for the Asians. I am not sure if this dish originated in Shanghai, a city in Mainland China. But there is one thing I am sure of- Lumpiang Shanghai is mouthwatering. There are many ways how to cook this dish. By combining the replacements for the common ingredients you can make your own kind of it. I know how to cook many versions of it. My original ones and the ones I gathered by asking my relatives who know how to cook Lumpia. If by any chance you are having a visitor, I would like to suggest this one for you to cook because the ingredients are not that expensive. But if you are living in the West, looking for the wrapper sometimes cost you time and effort because the Lumpia wrapper is not very common in there. I would suggest go to the Chinese grocery stores. This Lumpiang Shanghai recipe is just an easy and simple version of it but don’t worry because its simplicity will give you the appeal and you will appreciate every bite. Here is my step by step procedure on how to cook Lumpiang Shanghai:


Lumpia Rolls Ingredients
1 pound of ground pork
2 carrots (chopped)
¼ cup of Celery (chopped)
5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onion (chopped)
½ teaspoon of salt
1 egg (whisked)
½ teaspoon of freshly groud pepper
Cooking oil
Lumpia wrapper

Dip Ingredients
½ cup of vinegar
1 teaspoon of onions (chopped)
3 pieces of red chili
½ teaspoon of freshly groud pepper

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a bowl, combine pork, carrots, celery, garlic, onions, salt, egg and peppe. Mix well.
  2. Scoop some mixture and put over a wrapper and make roll.
  3. In a pan, heat oil enough for deep frying.
  4. Drop the rolls in the pan and fry until the rolls are golden brown.
  5. Remove the excess oil by rolling them on a paper towel.
  6. Put in a serving plate and set aside.
  7. Combine all the dip ingredients.
  8. And serve the rolls with the dip.

Try this version of Lumpiang Shanghai:
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
Courtesy of


One of the delicious but cheap dishes is this Escabetcheng Tilapia. This dish is one of the favorite dishes to cook or bring when the people are going out to the beach or hiking. There are many ways how to cook Escabetche but one thing must be maintain in this dish- the sweet and sour tastes. Yes, the sweet taste and the mild sourness of this dish are the reasons why Escabetche earned the respect of the chefs. Escabetcheng Tilapia is way cheaper than Escabetcheng Lapu-Lapu so if you are going to cook this dish, I suggest that choose Tilapia because it is cheap in the market and you can easily find live tilapia for better cooking and taste. But if you are one of those persons who came from money, Lapu-Lapu would be he best for you.
When I was in gradeschool, Escabetcheng Tilapia had a strong appeal to me and of course up until now it has and I like it to be combined with some vegetable dish as viand. I learned how to cook Escabetcheng Tilapia when I was in college and honestly the first trial was not that successful. The second attempt, well, it was almost perfect because of some tips and hints given to me by my mom. And this recipe I am going to share with you was actually that recipe I was talking about. Here is how to cook Escabetcheng Tilapia:


1 kilo of Tilapia (2 pieces)
2 carrots (cut into sticks)
2 red bell peppers (cut into strips)
2 cups of Pineapple chunks
½ cup of Pineapple juice
5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onions
2 thumb-size gingers (thinly sliced)
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of maple syrup (caramel or brown sugar will do)
¼ cup of low sodium soy sauce
¾ cup of water
3 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
Cooking oil

Cooking Procedure
  1. Prepare the Tilapia by removing the scales, gills and innards.
  2. In a pan, fry the Tilapia until golden brown and set aside.
  3. Saute garlic and onions until light brown.
  4. Add the water, pineapple and carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add the Pineapple juice, ginger, syrup, flour and salt. Stir well.
  6. Simmer until the sauce becomes thick.
  7. Add the red bell pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes.
  8. Pour the sauce mixture over the Tilapia and serve.
 Try this version of Escabecheng Tilapia:
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
                  Courtesy of

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Here is another traditional dish of the Filipino-The Asadong Baboy or Pork Asado. This dish is like the other dishes that are first being cooked before slicing. Asado is very simple to make and this recipe I am going to share with you is the easiest Pork Asado recipe yet way more delicious than other Asados you find in the web. There is no secret ingredient in my Asadong Baboy, just follow the procedure and you’ll see what will happen.  There are known ways how to cook Asado and one of these is the meat preference and the sauce. The Chinese have many unusual way of how to cook it. They are great chefs but sometimes you find taste that you are not used to because youre not Chinese at all and that ingredient is meant just for Chinese people. But if you are going to ask me, the best Pork Asado I had was cooked by my Chinese Friend. Also he has the best peking duck recipe.

I found another Asado recipe but I did not try it because it seemed to be creepy. It requires 5-spice powder ingredient. Are you okay? Where are your readers supposed to get that ingredient?  We are helping to solve their problem here, not giving them more problems to solve. Anyways, let forget about that recipe. I am trying to make it the easiest for you to do so if you feel like you want to add some ingredient, just do it. But be careful because too much ingredient can ruin your Asadong Baboy. If you are going to choose meat, take the pork tenderloin because it is better than the rubbery pork you buy from the small meatshop. Here is how to cook Asadong Baboy or Pork Asado.


1 kilo of Pork tenderloin
4 potatoes (quartered)
3 medium size onions (chopped)
1 head of garlic (minced)
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
4 bay leaves (Laurel)
3 cups of vinegar
¼ cup of oil
2 tablespoon of salt
2 tablespoon of low sodium salt
2 red bell peppers (diced)
¼ cup of annatto water
3 tablespoon of tomato sauce (optional)
½ cup of brown sugar
2 ½ cups of water

  1. In a pot, put the pork, vinegar, pepper, 1 teaspoon of minced ginger, salt, bay leaves and soy sauce.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer until the pork is cooked.
  3. In a pan, pour some oil and fry the potatoes. Set aside.
  4. In the same pan, saute garlic and onion. Add tomato sauce.
  5. Add sugar and ½ cup of water. Stir well.
  6. Slice the pork according to your preference.
  7. In the pan, add the pork, bell pepper, annatto water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. Remove from heat and serve.
Try this video of another version of Asadong Baboy.
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
                  Courtesy of

Friday, September 28, 2012


There are tons of ways how to cook Tilapia but sometime we want to cook it in a different way. This Sinanglay Na Tilapia is the answer. This dish is like a ginataang laing because it is cooked in coconut milk. Sinanglay na Tilapia is an authentic dish of Bicolanos. Most of us know that they are known for cooking dishes with coconut milk. But I want to tell you that they are not the only ones who have the right to cook Sinanglay Na Tilapia. But the question is- do you know how to cook Sinanglay Na Tilapia? If your answer is no, then I am here to help you. We don’t need to make it fancy because it is not economical but we must not jeopardize the taste of Tilapia. On this recipe I am going to share with you, you can adjust the amount of every ingredients according to your tastes and you can add additional ingredients like if you want to make it more spicy or something like that. I did not know how to cook Sinanglay Na Tilapia until my Bicolano friend Cooked it for me when we were hanging out in his place. You can make a version of Sinanglay by replacing the Tilapia as the main ingredient. There are many ways how to cook it too and this one I am going to share with you is thesimplest and easiest version of it. Here is how to cook Sinanglay Na Tilapia.


1 kilo of Tilapia (2-3 pieces)
2 bundles of Pechay
3 small size tomatoes (diced)
5 cloves of garlic (chopped)
2 small size onions (chopped)
1 small ginger (sliced)
5 pieces green chili
2 cups of coconut milk
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Salt to taste

  1. Clean the Tilapia by removing scales, gills and other unwanted parts.
  2. Combine the onions, ginger, and tomatoes in a bowl.
  3. Stuff the Tilapia with mixture of ingredients.
  4. Wrap the Tilapia with Pechay leaves tight enough to keep mixture within Tilapia.
  5. In a pot, put the Tilapia and arrange carefully.
  6. Add the coconut milk, water to cover the Tilapia, salt and pepper.
  7. Cook and simmer for 20 minutes or until the tilapia is cooked.
  8. Remove from heat and serve while hot.
Try this video of another version of Sinanglay Na Tilapia
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
                 Courtesy of

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Daing Na Bangus is a Philippine authentic dish. It is made from Bangus or Milkfish. I love making this dish especially when the fish I got from the market are fresh. This is a way to preserve the fish and if you want to make it stay longer, add more salt. I love this dish because of the taste of marinade combined with the sourness of vinegar dip. There are many ways how to make or cook this dish. And there are many ways how to eat this too like using many different kinds of dip. In Panagsinan, bangus are cheap so if you’re living in that northern part of the country, this dish is for you. This is how to make Daing Na Bangus.


1 large size bangus (milkfish)
2 cups of vinegar
½ teaspoon of ground pepper
6 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 tablespoon of salt
Cooking oil for frying

  1. Clean and prepare the Bangus by removing scales, intestines and slice to butterfly.
  2. Combine the garlic, salt, vinegar and pepper in a dishbox.
  3. Add the Bangus and marinate for the whole night.
  4. After marinating, heat oil in a frying pan.
  5. When the oil is smoking, put the bangus skin-side down.
  6. Fry side by side until the Bangus is cooked.
  7. And serve with vinegar dip or catsup.


Kare Kare is another dish from the Philippines. It is a dish combination of pork and vegetables. I love Kare Kare because of the delicious thick and creamy soup combined with the taste of vegetables and pork. Not many of us know how to cook Kare Kare because this dish is more complicating but it’s worth it because once you have cooked it right, you would experience a fine meal. There are kinds of meat used in cooking Kare Kare. That is how people cook it. In this recipe we are going to use the pork leg. Like I said, cooking this dish is more complicating than the other dishes I have shared with you so I want you to do this recipe carefully because you would ruin your Kare Kare.
You may use pork tenderloin in this dish but I want to advice you to use pork leg because I found it more appealing. My mother taught me how to cook Kare Kare and later on I made some twist to her recipe and this is how I cook my very own Kare Kare.

Note: If by any chance you don’t understand something, don’t hesistate to leave your comment below or you may send me an email regarding this recipe. If you like this dish, please share it to you friends and relatives. Thanks!


1 kilo of pork leg (cut into serving sizes)
6 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onion (chopped)
1 Small size Banana blossom (cut into desired sizes)
3 regular size Talong (eggplant)
1 bundle of Kangkong or Pechay
1 cup of string bean (cut into 2 ½ inch long)
½ cup of Peanut butter
1 tablespoon of cream or milk butter
¼ cup of Alamang (shrimp paste)
800ml-1liter of water
¼ cup of Achuete seeds or Annatto seeds (soaked in ½ cup of hot water)
2 tablespoon of flour (dissolved in ½ cup of water)
1 teasppon of ground pepper
Salt to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pressure cooker, bring water to a boil.
  2. Add the pork leg, onions and simmer for 30 minutes or until the meat is tender.
  3. Add the peanut butter, annatto water, milk butter and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add the dissolved flour and stir.
  5. In a pan, saute garlic until light brown.
  6. Add the banana blossom in a pan together with talong, and string bean. Add 1 cup of water and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Put the cooked vegetables into the pressure cooker together with Pechay..
  8. Add salt and pepper.
  9. In a pan, saute garlic and shrimp paste.
  10. Serve the Kare Kare with Sauteed Shrimp paste.


Camaron Rebosado is a Filipino Traditional dish. I saw a food blog before and it said that this dish can be called Overflowed Shrimp in English. This dish is a Filipino conterpart of the very famous shrimp dish tempura of the Japanese because they have the similar way how to cook it. Batter and shrimp are the key ingredients for this dish and making the batter depends on how you want to make it. Do you want to make it simple, or spicy? Well if you want some adjustment, you can do it with the sauce because this dish requires sauce for better taste. You may use Banana catsup, the all-purpose sauce or you can even use soy sauce with spices. I am going to share with you my simple recipe. Here is how to cook Camaron Rebosado.


½ kilo of shrimp (remove the head and skin)
½ cup of Calamansi extract
1 tablespoon of Corntarch
1 cup of all-purpose flour
2 eggs
3-4 cups of oil (enough for deep frying)
1 teaspoon of salt

Camaron Rebosado Procedure
  1. In a bowl, marinate the shrimp in Calamansi extract for 1 hour.
  2. Combine the all-purpose flour and cornstarch in another bowl.
  3. Add the eggs and salt. Mix thoroughly.
  4. In a pan, heat oil for frying.
  5. Drain the shrimp.
  6. Dip shrimp in the batter but do not let the tail covered.
  7. Drop in the frying pan, cook until the batter becomes yellow and crispy.
  8. Roll in a paper towel to remove unwanted excess oil.
  9. And serve with your favorite sauce or gravy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Chicken Tocino or Tocinong Manok is another dish that kids would love. Most of us barely like the processed food so I am going to share with you this recipe.
My Chicken Tocino recipe is not a recipe used by the meat processing plant in the Philippines. It is a very home-made-recipe. I have no idea how the processing plants make it. This dish is easy but the process takes a little bit longer than the other dish. Chicken Tocino is very popular in the Philippines but I don’t know if this dish originated here in the Philippines. There are many ways how to make Tocinong Manok. I got my recipe from my relative somewhere in Bulacan. I just made a little change to it to suit my taste. Tocino is one of the kiddos favorite dishes so if you are one of those trying hard mums to convince their kids to eat, well this is the one for you. Here is how to make Chicken Tocino:

Recipe: Chicken Tocino

5 lbs of deboned chicken
2 tsp of phospate
3 tsp curing salt
1 ½ cup of sugar
1 head of garlic (crushed)
3 tbsp Vodka or Gin
½ cup of water
1 ascorbic acid tablet or the vitamin C tablet (crushed)

  1. Thinly slice the chicken and put in the fridge.
  2. In a glass bowl, add all the remaining ingredients, mix well.
  3. Add the sliced chciekn and soak up for one day.
  4. Put in a packing bag and put in a freezer for 2 days.
  5. And it is now ready for frying.


I have shared with you my Afritadang Manok already and now in this recipe, I am going to share with you another Afritada recipe- my Afritadang Baboy.
Pork Afritada is a Philippine traditional dish that originated in Spain. It is a pork dish combined with tomato sauce and some vegetables like carrots and green peas. I did not know how to cook it before until my ex-girlfriend told me that Afritada is one of her favorite dishes when we were still dating. My mom taught me how to cook it different from the traditional Afritada that the Filipinos and Spanish cook. There are many versions of this dish that I believe was originated in the Philippines. I know how to cook versions of Afritada and I find Afritadang baboy more appealing. I gathered recipes from my mom and granny and I am going to share with you the best of them. Here is the recipe:



2 lbs pork (cut into serving sizes)
6 pcs of potatoes, (cut into serving sizes)
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium size onion, minced
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 green bell pepper, cut into strips
1 pc instant pork broth cube (dissolved in 2 cups of water)
1 cup tomato sauce
3 tbps vegetable or cooking oil
Salt to taste


1. Heat the oil in a pot.
2. Saute garlic until brown then add onion.
3. Add the pork and stir fry until chicken is light brown.
4. Pour in the tomato sauce and dissolved broth cube and stir.
5. Boil and simmer until the pork is half-cooked.
6. Add the potatoes. Simmer until the potatoes are cooked.
7. Add the bell peppers and simmer until peppers are cooked.
8. Add salt according to your taste.
9. And serve.


Here is how to cook Dinakdakan. It is a pork and authentic Filipino dish that has become very popular in the Philippines. Dinakdakan is another way how to cook Sisig with a twist and there is an ingredient that you may want to replace- the pig’s brain. Most of us would agree that pig’s brain disgusts us but the fact is pig’s brain is the authentic ingredient for Dinakdakan and using pig’s brain is the original way how to cook Dinakdakan. You may use plain pork tenderloin in this dish but if you want to make your Dinakdakan more original, I suggest that you use pig’s ear and face meat. I have seen many variations of Dinakdakan. There is nothing wrong with it because me, as well do the same thing. I am always looking for another way how to cook a dish and it feels good when you discover another way how to cook a dish. In this recipe I am going to share with you is the easy version of Dinakdakan and actually it is the traditional one. So prepare all the ingredients and let’s get to work.

Recipe: Dinakdakan (A Version of Sisig)

1 Kilogram of pork (combination of ear, face and nape), diced
2 medium size onions (minced)
1 thumb-size ginger (minced)
¾ cup of Pig’s brain (you may replace it with mayonaise)
½ cup of Calamansi Extract (lemon will do)
1 cup of vinegar
Salt to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, boil the pig’s brain in vinegar for 15 minutes.
  2. In another pot, boil the meat until cooked.
  3. Grill the meat and cut into dice.
  4. Mince the brain in a small bowl. Combine with Calamansi extract.
  5. In a bowl, combine all the Ingredients.
  6. Have a taste to make sure the salt and calamansi are balanced.
  7. And serve with gin, tequila or your favorite alcohol beverage.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Embutido is one of the traditional dishes of the Philippines that you can find almost in every party for an occasion like wedding. I have eaten many kinds of Embutido and I can say there are few of them that caught my attention because of the ingredients used. Embutido is great for breakfast and dinner and the kids would love it because of its being looked like a huge hotdogs or sausage. One of the ingredients of Embutido that you will always find is the raisin. It has a very good effect on the taste of Embutido so every one knows how to make Embutido uses this ingredient. I can still remember how much I liked this dish when I was in gradeschool. Our family did not come from money so we barely had Embutido in our dining so I lost Embutido in my list of favorite dishes. But still it has very strong appeal to me so after all, I still love this dish. There are numerous ways how to make Embutido and I found my very own way how to make it and here is the recipe:

Recipe: Embutido (Pork)

1 kilo of ground Pork
1 piece of foot-long hotdog (minced)
1 can of meatloaf (minced)
½ cup of sweet Pickle relish
2 medium size carrots (minced)
4 pieces of eggs
½ cup of raisins
Salt and pepper (according to your taste)
Banana Catsup
Aluminum foil wrapper (for wrapping)

Cooking Procedure
  1. Whisk egg in a small bowl.
  2. In another bowl, combine all the ingredients except Banana catsup and wrapper. Mix throughly.
  3. Make rolls of the mixture about 2 ½ inches in diameter and wrap with Aluminum foil wrapper.
  4. Twist and fold every end of foil tight enough for the water not to get inside the wrapper.
  5. Put the rolls in a steamer and simmer for 30 minutes until the meat is cooked.
  6. Let rest before removing the wrapper.
  7. Thinly slice according to your preference.
  8. And serve with a catsup in a saucer.


One of the best dishes to be cooked with egg is the Sarciadong Tilapia. Sarciadong Tilapia is just one of the numerous kinds of Sarciadong Isda or Sarsyadong Isda. Since there are countless species of fish in the world, that could mean there are huge number of fish you could use in this dish. Tilapia is just one of them. I love this dish for breakfast because it is yummy and packed with nutrients that can help you keep going through your morning works until lunch. It is best served with Chao Fan or what we call fried rice. I can’t tell how many versions of Sarsyadong Isda I have cooked from the day I started to cook this dish but this Sarciadong Tilapia is, I can say one of the cheapests but still delicious. Most of the chefs know how to cook Sarciadong Tilapia and believe me every chef has his own way how to cook it. This recipe I am going to share with you is the easiest and the simplest of its kind and I hope by doing this recipe, you’re going to make your very own way how to cook Sarciadong Tilapia.

Recipe: Sarciadong Tilapia (Sarsyadong Tilapia)

½ kilo of Tilapia
1-2 eggs (whisked)
5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 cup of onions (diced)
1 cup of tomatoes (diced)
1 cup of water
Salt to taste
Cooking oil

Cooking Procedure
  1. Clean and prepare the Tilapia by removing the scales, gills, and other unwanted parts.
  2. In a pan, fry the Tilapia until cooked.
  3. In another pan, saute garlic until brown.
  4. Add onions, saute until transparent.
  5. Add water, salt, and tomatoes. Boil and simmer for 6 minutes.
  6. Add the egg and stir until the egg is solidified.
  7. Add the Tilapia and simmer until the tomatoes are cooked.
  8. Serve with fried rice.
Sarciadong Tilapia (Sarsyado) Images



I love Pork steak because of the juicy taste of pork combined with the perfect combination of soy sauce and calamansi extract. I am going to help you preparing a great pork dish for your dinner. This Pork Steak I am gonna share with you is not my recipe but my mother’s because to me shes has the best Pork steak recipe. Many people in the world know how to cook Pork Steak but I believe, every person cooks this dish has his very own style and way how to cook Pork Steak. The Filipinos have many versions of this dish and that is why we have our very own Bistek, a Filipino version of beef steak. Pork production in the province of Bulacan is one of its largest industries and that is why Pork Steak in this province is very famous and also in this province you’ll find many kinds of Steak. The people in Bulacan are very good in making Pork dishes like Steak. Here is my mother’s way how to cook Pork Steak:

Recipe: Pork Steak (Pinoy Style)

1 kilo of pork tenderloin (cut into very thin strips)
½ cup of low sodium soy sauce
6 cloves of garlic (minced)
3 medium size onions (sliced into rings)
1 teaspoon of ground pepper
½ cup of calamansi extract (lemon extract will do)
Cooking oil
½ cup of spring onions (chopped)

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a bowl, combine soy sauce, pepper, garlic and pork.
  2. Leave to marinate and refrigirate for 4 hours.
  3. After 4 hours, remove the marinade and drain the pork.
  4. In a pan, heat oil and fry the beef until the pork is cooked.
  5. Pour into the same pan the marinade and calamansi extract.
  6. Stir a little and simmer until the sauce is thickened.
  7. Put in the serving plate.
  8. Add spring onions over the pork and garnish with spring onions.
  9. And serve.
Pork Steak Images


Adobong Labong or Bamboo Shoot Adobo is a traditional food in the Philippines. This dish has many variations. It became popular in the Philippine Islands because of the ideas that the spaniards brought here when they arrived in Limasawa. The Filipinos have many ways how to cook Labong.

My mom grew up in a province where people prefer to cook Adobong Labong rather than Sinabawang Labong. In the town where I grew up, the people cook both Adobo and Sinabawang Labong so my mom taught me how to cook both of them. I will share with you how to cook Adobong Labong. This recipe I am going to share with you now is how exactly my mom cooks Adobong Labong. Here is the recipe:

 Recipe: Adobong Labong

3 cups of Labong (thinly sliced)
1lb pork (diced)
Salt to taste
Low sodium soy sauce to taste
3 cloves garlic (minced)
1 medium size onion (sliced)

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, boil Labong for 1 hour, when done, remove the water..
  2. In a pan, saute garlic and onion until light brown.
  3. Add the pork, saute until the pork is almost cooked.
  4. Add Labong, soy sauce and salt. Be careful not to put too much salt.
  5. Stir for 10 minutes or until the meat is cooked.
  6. And serve.

Monday, September 24, 2012


I hope my Morcon Recipe will give you the help in throwing parties for your birthdays or something like that. Making Morcon requires a little patience because it is not that easy like the ones I have shared with you because Morcon is a meat dish with ingredients rolled with thin beef loaf (not the canned one). Somebody asked me to blog about this dish so I said to myself, why not? Before planning to cook Morcon, you must have time to prepare it because even if you know how to make morcon, you’re not gonna make it because you did not have enough time to marinate the beef and don’t even think of not marinating it because you would not get the Morcon taste you want to get. Here is how to make Morcon.

Recipe: How To Make Morcon (Beef)

Morcon Ingredients
1 kilo of beef (thinly sliced like ½ inch in single piece)
Extract of 5 pieces calamansi (lemon will do)
¼ cup of low sodium soy sauce
4 pieces of sauage or hotdogs (quartered diagonally)
2 hard boiled eggs (thinly sliced)
80-100 grams of Eden cheese (cut into thin strips)
1 piece of carrot (chopped almost like granules)
4 strips of bacon
4 leaves of spring onion (just the leaves)
2 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
½ cup of cooking oil

Morcon Cooking Procedure
  1. In a plastic pouch or bowl, combine soy sauce, calamansi extract and beef.
  2. Mainate for 4 hours while being in the fridge.
  3. Drain the beef, set aside the marinade sauce.
  4. Lay the beef flat on a tray.
  5. Arrange the remaining ingredients over the beef except oil and flour.
  6. Carefully roll the meat and tie with clean string around the roll.
  7. Dredge the roll in the flour.
  8. In a pan, pour in the oil and fry the roll until the roll turned brown.
  9. In a pot, boil water and simmer until the beef is tender.
  10. Slice the roll in a platter.
  11. Boil the sauce and pour over the sliced roll.
  12. And serve.