Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Embutido is one of the traditional dishes of the Philippines that you can find almost in every party for an occasion like wedding. I have eaten many kinds of Embutido and I can say there are few of them that caught my attention because of the ingredients used. Embutido is great for breakfast and dinner and the kids would love it because of its being looked like a huge hotdogs or sausage. One of the ingredients of Embutido that you will always find is the raisin. It has a very good effect on the taste of Embutido so every one knows how to make Embutido uses this ingredient. I can still remember how much I liked this dish when I was in gradeschool. Our family did not come from money so we barely had Embutido in our dining so I lost Embutido in my list of favorite dishes. But still it has very strong appeal to me so after all, I still love this dish. There are numerous ways how to make Embutido and I found my very own way how to make it and here is the recipe:

Recipe: Embutido (Pork)

1 kilo of ground Pork
1 piece of foot-long hotdog (minced)
1 can of meatloaf (minced)
½ cup of sweet Pickle relish
2 medium size carrots (minced)
4 pieces of eggs
½ cup of raisins
Salt and pepper (according to your taste)
Banana Catsup
Aluminum foil wrapper (for wrapping)

Cooking Procedure
  1. Whisk egg in a small bowl.
  2. In another bowl, combine all the ingredients except Banana catsup and wrapper. Mix throughly.
  3. Make rolls of the mixture about 2 ½ inches in diameter and wrap with Aluminum foil wrapper.
  4. Twist and fold every end of foil tight enough for the water not to get inside the wrapper.
  5. Put the rolls in a steamer and simmer for 30 minutes until the meat is cooked.
  6. Let rest before removing the wrapper.
  7. Thinly slice according to your preference.
  8. And serve with a catsup in a saucer.

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