Sunday, September 30, 2012


This Lumpiang Shanghai is one of the delicious snacks for the Asians. I am not sure if this dish originated in Shanghai, a city in Mainland China. But there is one thing I am sure of- Lumpiang Shanghai is mouthwatering. There are many ways how to cook this dish. By combining the replacements for the common ingredients you can make your own kind of it. I know how to cook many versions of it. My original ones and the ones I gathered by asking my relatives who know how to cook Lumpia. If by any chance you are having a visitor, I would like to suggest this one for you to cook because the ingredients are not that expensive. But if you are living in the West, looking for the wrapper sometimes cost you time and effort because the Lumpia wrapper is not very common in there. I would suggest go to the Chinese grocery stores. This Lumpiang Shanghai recipe is just an easy and simple version of it but don’t worry because its simplicity will give you the appeal and you will appreciate every bite. Here is my step by step procedure on how to cook Lumpiang Shanghai:


Lumpia Rolls Ingredients
1 pound of ground pork
2 carrots (chopped)
¼ cup of Celery (chopped)
5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onion (chopped)
½ teaspoon of salt
1 egg (whisked)
½ teaspoon of freshly groud pepper
Cooking oil
Lumpia wrapper

Dip Ingredients
½ cup of vinegar
1 teaspoon of onions (chopped)
3 pieces of red chili
½ teaspoon of freshly groud pepper

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a bowl, combine pork, carrots, celery, garlic, onions, salt, egg and peppe. Mix well.
  2. Scoop some mixture and put over a wrapper and make roll.
  3. In a pan, heat oil enough for deep frying.
  4. Drop the rolls in the pan and fry until the rolls are golden brown.
  5. Remove the excess oil by rolling them on a paper towel.
  6. Put in a serving plate and set aside.
  7. Combine all the dip ingredients.
  8. And serve the rolls with the dip.

Try this version of Lumpiang Shanghai:
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
Courtesy of

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