Thursday, September 27, 2012


Camaron Rebosado is a Filipino Traditional dish. I saw a food blog before and it said that this dish can be called Overflowed Shrimp in English. This dish is a Filipino conterpart of the very famous shrimp dish tempura of the Japanese because they have the similar way how to cook it. Batter and shrimp are the key ingredients for this dish and making the batter depends on how you want to make it. Do you want to make it simple, or spicy? Well if you want some adjustment, you can do it with the sauce because this dish requires sauce for better taste. You may use Banana catsup, the all-purpose sauce or you can even use soy sauce with spices. I am going to share with you my simple recipe. Here is how to cook Camaron Rebosado.


½ kilo of shrimp (remove the head and skin)
½ cup of Calamansi extract
1 tablespoon of Corntarch
1 cup of all-purpose flour
2 eggs
3-4 cups of oil (enough for deep frying)
1 teaspoon of salt

Camaron Rebosado Procedure
  1. In a bowl, marinate the shrimp in Calamansi extract for 1 hour.
  2. Combine the all-purpose flour and cornstarch in another bowl.
  3. Add the eggs and salt. Mix thoroughly.
  4. In a pan, heat oil for frying.
  5. Drain the shrimp.
  6. Dip shrimp in the batter but do not let the tail covered.
  7. Drop in the frying pan, cook until the batter becomes yellow and crispy.
  8. Roll in a paper towel to remove unwanted excess oil.
  9. And serve with your favorite sauce or gravy.

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