Tuesday, April 8, 2014


How To Make Kartoffelsalat –this is just a potato salad, only a German version. But it has different taste and I like it. In Central Europe, this dish very common. I think this food originated in southern part of Germany and many restaurants all over the world including United States serve this dish. This salad is usually eaten combined with sausages or hotdogs or it can be served together with another sort of salad like vegetable or fish. This is very traditional typically in southern part of Germany and Ruhr Valley region. Many versions of Kartoffelsalat are made outside of Germany especially in Austria and Hungary. This salad is great to eat, warm or cold so it is not a seasonal dish because you can enjoy it during summer or even winter. Here is how to make kartoffelsalat:

2 lbs potatoes (unpeeled)
1 small size sweet onion (minced)
½ tsp yellow mustard
Salt ot taste
Ground black pepper to taste
1 cup of vegetable broth
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, pour in water and salt enough to cover the potatoes.
  2. Put the potatoes and simmer until the potatoes are cooked.
  3. Remove the potatoes from water, let it cool and set aside.
  4. Peel the potatoes and slice.
  5. In a mixing bowl, combine potatoes with onions, mustard, pepper and salt.
  6. In a pan, pour in the vegetable broth. Bring to a boil.
  7. Pour in the potato mixture and stir perfectly.
  8. Add vinegar and stir.
  9. Remove from heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  10. Add olive oil and stir.
  11. Check the taste for saltness, add some according to your taste.
  12. And serve.

Tag: How To Make Kartoffelsalat


How To Make Aachener Printen- this is a sort of cookie (others call it candy too.) This cookie is very German but I’m not so sure if this has originated in Germany because I have never been there before, not at all. One day, I was feeeling like I want to eat unfamiliar cookie(to me) so I looked up in the internet and I happed to find this very delicious thing the Germans always make every Cristmas. I decided to make myself a version of it. I combined sorts of ingredients that are usually present in almost every cookie I know to make and Ican say that the outcome is not bad at all, of course, since it was my first Aachener Printen to make. The only thing that could make you feel disappointed is that you should prepare the dough 5 days before baking it and that is a very long time to wait, lol! But it’s worth it because it helps the taste way better. Here is how to make Aachener Printen:

½ Kg of corn syrup
3 tbsp of water
½ cup ll-purpose flour
600 grams of flour
1 pinch of ground cloves
2 tsp ground coriander
2 tsp ground aniseed
2 tsp cinnamon
60 grams of candied orange peel
100 grams of sugar
150 grams of rock candy
10 grams of potash (or baking soda)
1 tbsp Rum

Baking Procedure
  1. Combine the syrup and water in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir until the syrup is almost boiling. Remove from heat and set aside. Get a cup of it for use after baking the dough.
  2. In a bowl, combine potash and rum, stir together until the potash dissolves completely.
  3. Grind the rock candy into coarse particles and add to the potash mixture.
  4. Combine all the ingredients in the bowl, stir and knead well until the dough is being formed.
  5. Cover the bowl and put it in a cool and dry place, let it rest for 5 days.
  6. After days of waiting, grease the baking sheets.
  7. Preheat oven to 350 F or a bit higher, but be care not to set it too hot.
  8. On a dough board, scatter some flour slightly and evenly.
  9. On the dough board, flatten the dough into ¼ inch thick. Make sure every side of the dough is slightly covered with four before cutting it.
  10. Cut the dough into desired sizes, I did mine with 1x2 inches size.
  11. Put the cut dough in the baking sheets with a distance of 2 inches between every dough.
  12. Bake for 15 minutes. When done, just let the cookies rest on the sheet and cool it down.
  13. Glaze the cookeis with syrup mixture and let it dry.
  14. Serve or store it in a cool and dry place.

Tag: How To Make Aachener Printen


>How To Cook Wiesn Hendl –this dish is very common, it is just the German name that make us confuse. For those who do not know what Wiesn Hendl is, it is just an Austrian-Bavarian name for Roasted Chicken. In Munich, Germany (Munchen,) there is a festival called Oktoberfest. It is a 16-day festival that start from late September to early October. It is part of the Bavarian culture where huge amount of roasted chicken is consumed. Wiesn Hendl is just one of the many recipes prepared in the said festivity. This dish is prepared with butter, pretzel (brezeln) and the perfect drink for this dish is beer. In the American cities where large number of Germans live, Oktoberfest is still held and Weisn Hendl is also prepared. I am not a German but it does not mean that I should get rid myself of this very delicious dish. This time, we are going to discuss how to cook this thing, it is not tricky at all, just be carefull not to burn the chicken or else you are going to ruin your Roasted Chicken. Here is >how to cook Weisn Hendl:

1 whole dressed chicken (1-1.5 Kg)
70 grams butter
1 bundle of fresh parsley
1 tablespoon of salt
½ teaspoon of ground pepper

Cooking Procedure
  1. We are going to use oven so preheat it to 195 °C.
  2. Prepare the chicken by rubbing salt, pepper and butter to it evenly, both inside and outside.
  3. Prepare the parsley by washing it perfectly.
  4. Dry the parsley with paper towel and chop.
  5. In a bowl, combine parsley with small amount of butter. Mix perfectly.
  6. Stuff chicken with the parsley mixture.
  7. Place the chicken in the roasting tray with the breast turned upward.
  8. Put in the oven and cook for 1 hour or until the chicken turns golden brown.
  9. When cooked, remove from the oven, let it cool for a bit.
  10. Serve with Brezeln and beer.

Tag: How To Cook Wiesn Hendl


How To Cook Konigsberger Klopse –this is another German dish. It is a counterpart of what we call meatballs in the United States. Unlike the commonly served meatballs that we know, this Konigsberger Klopse thing is a bit tricky and it requires more ingredients than the usual version we cook and serve. And it is worth it because its way better than the usual one. Here is how to cook Konigsberger Klopse:

Ingredients for meatballs
1 lb sirloin (ground)
1 lb pork (ground)
1 lb veal (ground)
4 eggs ( lightly whisked)
1 ¼ breadcrumbs
½ cup milk
1 medium size onion (minced)
1 tablespoon lemon peel (minced)
½ cup lemon extract
3 tbsp capers (chopped)
3 tbsp anchovy paste
¼ cup butter (molten)
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper (ground)
All-purpose flour

Ingredients for broth
4 (8 oz.) chicken broth
1 bay leaf
¼ cup white vinegar
½ cup dry red wine
10 pieces whole peppercorns
2 tbsp capers

Ingredients for sauce
1 tablespoon lemon peel (chopped)
¼ cup lemon extract
1 cup sour cream

¼ cup parsley (chopped)

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pan, heat broth ingredients, simmer over medium high heat.
  2. While simmering the broth, in a bowl, combine meatballs ingredients. Mix well.
  3. Scoop meatball mixture and squeeze in hand to form balls.
  4. Roll the balls over the flour to get rid of stickiness and carefully drop into the broth.
  5. Simmer the balls for 15 minutes for every batch.
  6. Remove the balls from the broth with spoon and put in a bowl.
  7. Now let’s make the sauce. In the broth, put the sauce ingredients and heat. Stir while simmerinng until thick.
  8. Put the meatballs in a serving bowl and pour sauce on it.
  9. And serve.

Tag: How To Cook Konigsberger Klopse


How To Make Kohlrouladen –here is another Germna dish that Aryans like. I’m not German but I love this dish. It is actually a counterpart of the Filipino dish called Lumpia. It is a Cabbage roll but more Germans because of the ingredients we are going to use. Unlike the Lumpia of the Philippines, this Kohlrouladen is made with rice, beef and butter. And instead of using gravy, we are going to use tomato sauce because it is better to combine with the ingredients being used. Here is how to cook Kohlrouladen:

½ kg cabbage (whole size)
1 cup raw rice
1 cup beef broth
½ teaspoon salt
1 pinch of ground pepper
2 tablespoon butter
1 small size onion (minced)
1 pound ground beef
1 egg (whisked)

Ingredients for the sauce
15 ounce tomato sauce
½ water
2 tablespoonfull brown sugar
2 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
½ teaspoon salt

Cooking Procedure
  1. Remove the core from the cabbage.
  2. In a bowl, put the cabbage and pour in boiling water directly into the hollow part where the core is removed. Continously pour in water until the cabbage is covered.
  3. Let it rest until the cabbage is quite supple.
  4. Remove the water and separate leaves but be careful not to damage the leaves.
  5. Remove the base part of the leaves. And set aside.
  6. In a pot, combine raw rice, broth and salt. Bring to a boil and simmer until the rice is cooked. Remove the excess water.
  7. Remove from  heat.
  8. In a pan, heat butter. Saute onions until transparent, do not overcook.
  9. Add beef and saute until the beef is brown.
  10. Pour the sauteed beef into the rice and mix perfectly. Stir in eggs.
  11. Put 2 spoons of meat mixture on every leaf and roll. Tuck in every end of the rolls.
  12. In a pot, put the rolls and arrange in layers.
  13. Season each layer with salt and pepper.
  14. In a pan, combine all the remaining ingredients. Bring to boil and simmer. Stir well and pour over the rolls. Set the oven on 350 F heat and bake the rolls for 2 hours.
  15. Remove from oven and serve.

Tag: How To Cook Kohlrouladen


How To Cook Hasenpfeffer –it is a German version of rabbit stew. This dish is commonly served throughout the Central Europe. Unlike other rabbit stew, Hasenpfeffer requires a little numerous ingredients but it’s worth it because this dish is delicious and I prefer it over other stews made of rabbits or hare. I have a German friend and he’s the one who introduced me this dish. His name is Heindrich Kruger and thanks to him for this great recipe I am about to share with you. You may want to replace some ingredients according your taste and you can remove some if you have some allergy from them. There are places where rabbits are not meant for food but rather as pets so I can do nothing about that, but you can use chicken or pork if you still want to try this recipe. Here is how to cook Hasenpfeffer:

1 kilogram of rabbit meat, (cut into serving pieces)
1 pinch of salt
3 tablespoon flour
¼ kg bacon (diced)
½ cup shallots (finely chopped)
1 cup of red wine
1 cup water
1 clove garlic (minced)
1 tbsp chicken bouillon (granular)
1 tbsp Currant jelly
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 bay leaf
1 pinch of dried rosemary (ground)
2 tsp lemon extract (pineapple extract will do)
3 tbsp water
2 tbsp flour
1 pinch of dried thyme (crushed)

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pan, put the bacon and cook under medium high heat until brown.
  2. Remove from the pan and dry with paper towel. Set aside.
  3. In a bowl, put the rabbit meat, add salt, 3 tablespoon of flour, and mix perfectly.
  4. In the same pan, saute rabbit until brown. Remove from pan and set aside.
  5. In the same pan, saute garlic and shallots until the garlic turns light brown.
  6. Add wine, 1 cup of water, bouillon and simmer while stirring.
  7. Add jelly, pepper, bay leaf and rosemary.
  8. Put back the rabbit and the bacon into the pan.
  9. Slow simmer for an hour or until the rabbit is tender.
  10. Transfer to a platter.
  11. In the pan, stir lemon extract with 3 tablespoon of water and 2 tablespoon of flour. Mix perfectly.
  12. Stir the mixture over low heat, add thyme and stir constantly until thick.
  13. Pour over stew and serve.

Tag: How To Cook Hasenpfeffer


How To Cook Currywurst –this dish is very popular in Central Europe especially in Poland and Germany. Im not sure if this dish is German or Polish because the ingredient used is Kielbasa which is a Polish Sausage. Well, whatever, we are not here to talk about facts and figurs, lol. We are here to make this delicious Currywurst the Germans boast about, well, that’s understandable since it is true that you can boast about this dish for it is deicious and not tricky to cook, not at all. All you need is basic knowledge in cooking and make sure you know your favorite sauce  because making this dish is not picky when it comes to using sauce, you can use whatever sort you want. Hey, you are the boss of your own cooking, aren’t you? I’m just here to give you a little help. Here is how to cook Currywurst:

1 lb of Kielbasa
500ml of tomato sauce
2 tablespoon of hot chili sauce
½ tsp of salt
1 tbsp minced onion
½ tbsp of brown sugar
1  tsp black pepper, ground
1 pinch of paprika
Some curry powder

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pan, combine tomato sauce, salt, onion, chili sauce, sugar and pepper. Mix perfectly.
  2. Simmer for 5 minutes, stir until thick.
  3. In an oven, broil the Kielbasa until cooked, or you can use grill whatever you like.
  4. Slice the Kielbasa into ½ inch thick.
  5. In a serving plate, put the Kielbasa, pour over the tomato sauce mixture and garnish with curry powder and paprika.
  6. And serve.

Tag: How To Cook Currywurst


How To Cook Bratwurst –this is another German dish that is commonly served in any German restaurants. It is not very familiar in the United States but enough Aryans living in the states know about this dish. It is actually a counterpart of what we call corndog sandwich or hotdog sandwich. There are many ways to make this Bratwurst thing but  one thing must alsways be present when making it- the beer. Yes, the beer. But you are not gonna drink it, lol! We are just going to use it for the simmering of brats because it gives taste. You may want to choose banana ketchup instead of using tomato ketchup, it depends actually upon your tatse,or you may want to use barbecue sauce if you like. It is not tricky to make, basic knowledge in cooking is good enouugh to make your own Bratwurst. This time, we are going to make a simple but delicious German Sausage Sandwich. Here is how to make Bratwurst:

5 pieces of Brats
300ml of beer
1 large size sweet onion, diced
5 large sausage buns
Ketchup (anything you like)
Brown mustard

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a simmering pot, combine beer and onions. Put the Brats over it and simmer for 30 minutes or until the Brats are cooked.
  2. Prepare the grill by firing up the charcoal, scatter the charcoal to make sure the heat is even but enough to grill the Brats.
  3. Grill the brats, turn every 5 minutes until grilled enough.
  4. Put every single brat in every bun and garnish with Ketchup, bron mustard and Sauerkraut.
  5. And serve.

Tag: How To Cook Bratwurst


How To Cook Bratkartoffeln –this is the very German version of French Fries, Im not sure but maybe because the fries rivalry was the reason why the Germans invaded France during the second world war, lol! I’m just kidding. But these two fries are different from each other, french fries is usually combined with the american burgers but not the Bratkartoffeln. German Fries is usually combine with bacon or sausages. Whatever the differences are, I liked them both and in fact, I go to Mcdonald’s and also in Auerswald’s. But let us talk about Bratkartoffeln alone because that’s what we are going to do this time, making this Deutschland Fries. Here is how to cook Bratkartoffeln:

2 kilograms of Potatoes (unpeeled)
1 cup of smoked bacon (diced)
1 large size sweet onion (diced)
½ cup of vegetable oil
2 pinch of ground pepper
1 tsp salt

Cooking Procedure
  1. Wash the potatoes, make sure to clean it perfectly but don’t peel it.
  2. In a pot, boil the potatoes until cooked, be careful not to overcook it.
  3. When done, let it cool. Peel the potatoes and dice gently.
  4. In a pan, heat oil, saute the bacon until cooked, remove from the pan and set aside.
  5. In the same pan, saute onions until transparent, remove and set aside.
  6. In the same pan, fry the potatoes until light brown.
  7. Combine all the ingredients in the pan, saute for another 5 minutes.
  8. Check the taste, just add some salt according to your taste.
  9. Transfer in a serving bowl and garnish withchopped parlsey if you like.

Tag: How To Cook Bratkartoffeln


How To Make Mett Brotchen –this German bread is not for those who eat raw meat. But for those who love it, let’s get it done. This spicy bread is served in many German restaurants not only in Germany but in many German-inspired restaurants all over the world. In Aryan countries, this bread is served as breakfast  and is always served with coffee or tea. The common bread used for this dish is the rye dark brown bread because it is good to combine with raw meat. I would like to advice you not to use just raw meat in the meat shop. It is not good because we don’t know the bacteria we get from it. There is a raw meat packed and sterilized (I’m not sure about the term) that can be bought from supermarket. Here is how to make Mett Brotchen:

4 pieces whole wheat bread rolls
1 pack (100grams) spicy raw ground pork
1 medium size onion (sliced)
Salt to taste

  1. Cut the bread rolls into halves. On the inner part of the bread rolls, spread margarine.
  2. Spread minced pork on top part of the rolls with fork.
  3. Scatter salt and pepper over it.
  4. Place the onions on top of the Mett Brotchen.
  5. Put in a serving platter and serve with hot coffee.

Tag: How To Make Mett Brotchen