Tuesday, April 8, 2014


How To Make Aachener Printen- this is a sort of cookie (others call it candy too.) This cookie is very German but I’m not so sure if this has originated in Germany because I have never been there before, not at all. One day, I was feeeling like I want to eat unfamiliar cookie(to me) so I looked up in the internet and I happed to find this very delicious thing the Germans always make every Cristmas. I decided to make myself a version of it. I combined sorts of ingredients that are usually present in almost every cookie I know to make and Ican say that the outcome is not bad at all, of course, since it was my first Aachener Printen to make. The only thing that could make you feel disappointed is that you should prepare the dough 5 days before baking it and that is a very long time to wait, lol! But it’s worth it because it helps the taste way better. Here is how to make Aachener Printen:

½ Kg of corn syrup
3 tbsp of water
½ cup ll-purpose flour
600 grams of flour
1 pinch of ground cloves
2 tsp ground coriander
2 tsp ground aniseed
2 tsp cinnamon
60 grams of candied orange peel
100 grams of sugar
150 grams of rock candy
10 grams of potash (or baking soda)
1 tbsp Rum

Baking Procedure
  1. Combine the syrup and water in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Stir until the syrup is almost boiling. Remove from heat and set aside. Get a cup of it for use after baking the dough.
  2. In a bowl, combine potash and rum, stir together until the potash dissolves completely.
  3. Grind the rock candy into coarse particles and add to the potash mixture.
  4. Combine all the ingredients in the bowl, stir and knead well until the dough is being formed.
  5. Cover the bowl and put it in a cool and dry place, let it rest for 5 days.
  6. After days of waiting, grease the baking sheets.
  7. Preheat oven to 350 F or a bit higher, but be care not to set it too hot.
  8. On a dough board, scatter some flour slightly and evenly.
  9. On the dough board, flatten the dough into ¼ inch thick. Make sure every side of the dough is slightly covered with four before cutting it.
  10. Cut the dough into desired sizes, I did mine with 1x2 inches size.
  11. Put the cut dough in the baking sheets with a distance of 2 inches between every dough.
  12. Bake for 15 minutes. When done, just let the cookies rest on the sheet and cool it down.
  13. Glaze the cookeis with syrup mixture and let it dry.
  14. Serve or store it in a cool and dry place.

Tag: How To Make Aachener Printen

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