Wednesday, June 18, 2014


How To Make Birnen, Bohnen Und Speck (Recipe) –this  dish is literally a German term for Pears, Beans and Bacon which is actually a combination of these 3 foods. The preparation of this dish is very simple. The bacon is put in complete strips and cooked in boiling water which is later on combined with pear with skin on  and cooked beans. I find this dish almost complete because we have fruit, vegetable and meat on it. In this recipe I am going to share with you, lemon extract is used but not all of us can easily get lemons so if you don’t have any lemons in your households, you can use calamansi or orange extract. I find many recipes of this dish that used potatoes but we are not going to put some because I know some people who tried to put some potatoes and they didn’t like the result. Here is how to make Birnen, Bohnen und Speck (recipe):

6 pieces pears, sliced
8 tbsp water
1 tbsp lemon extract
16 ounce green beans (halves)
1 tsp salt
8 ounce bacon
8 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp lemon extract

  1. In a pot with warm water, put the pears.
  2. Add 1tbsp of lemon extract. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
  3. In a skillet, boil a small amount of water and cook bacon. Remove the water and add oil. Stir fry the bacon until crispy.
  4. Add salt and beans into the pot and let simmer for another 1minute.
  5. Remove the water and combine with the bacon. Transfer in a serving plate.
  6. Add cider vinegar and 1 tbsp lemon extract into the skillet and mix thoroughly.
  7. Pour grease mixture over the beans mixture and serve while hot.

Tags: How To Make Birnen, Bohnen Und Speck (Recipe)

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