Sunday, October 21, 2012


  How To Cook Tokneneng –recently I have posted a street food similar to Tokneneng but not all of us have known that food but instead some of us have known Tokneneng and vice-versa. Well, let me give you a little fact about Tokneneng and kwek-kwek. Tokneneng is made out of chicken eggs and batter but the only difference between them is that kwek-kwek is made out of quail eggs. Just like mom and daughter, haha!

Making Tokneneng is not that hard and this dish is recommended to those who do not want to spend much money on food because the ingredients for cooking Tokneneng are very cheap, just don’t expect heavenly taste because its just an egg covered with flour batter. This dish is also very good for the kids because it is healthy since it is made out of egg. I know few people who eat Tokneneng as breakfast and even as snack. My sister loves this food when she is watching television that she could even eat 6 pieces of it! I can’t do that. That is not a healthy eating habit. Alright, enough for that story, let’s gather the ingredients and let us get started. Here is how to cook Tokneneng:


6 pieces of Chicken eggs (hard boiled and shells are removed)
1 cup of corn flour
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon ground pepper
Red and yellow food coloring
½ cup of water
Cooking oil (enough to deep-fry the eggs)

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a bowl, combine cornflour, pepper, salt, a drop of food coloring and water to make batter.
  2. Add the eggs and mix until all the eggs are evenly coated.
  3. In a deep pan, heat oil enough for deep frying.
  4. Using a spoon, scoop the eggs one by one and drop into the pan.
  5. Deep-fry until the batter is cooked.
  6. Drain on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  7. And serve with your favorite sauce.

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