Friday, May 2, 2014


How To Make Topfenstrudel –this is a traditional sort of sweet and layered pastry in Austria. Strudel became popular in Habsburg.  Countries like Germany, Austria, Hungary and Switzerland have their own version of this pastry. This is considered as one of the oldest kinds of pastry in Europe because there are records proving that in 17th century, Strudels were already served that resemble some of the pastries of Turkish and Baklava cuisines. In this recipe I am going to share with you, we are going to use maple syrup instead of the traditional and commonly used vanilla sauce in making Strudel. Here is how to make Topfenstrudel:

1 frozen puff pastry sheet
2 Akane apples or any kind you want to use (sliced)
4 tbsp sugar
8 tbsp granulated sugar
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tsp cinnamon (ground)
120 grams whipped cream cheese
120 grams creamy cottage cheese
½ tsp vanilla extract
50 grams unsalted butter (melted)
Maple syrup
Confectioners’ sugar

  1. In a large bowl, mix together apple, sugar, half of granulated sugar and cinnamon.
  2. Set aside and let rest for half an hour.
  3. Drain the mixture using a colander.
  4. Put back the apple to the same bowl. Add flour and mix. Set aside.
  5. In another bowl, mix together whipped cream cheese,cottage cheese, 4 tablespoon of granulated sugar and vanilla extract. Mix perfectly and set aside.
  6. On a board, lightly scatter some sugar on it, roll out the puff pastry until the size has expanded. Spread with some melted butter.
  7. Smear cheese filling over the pastry with half an inch margin on every edge.
  8. Arrange apple slices on the pastry and spread with butter.
  9. Carefully roll the pastry and fold to tuck in the edges and roll a little to seal the edges.
  10.  Spread the top with butter. Grease the baking tray with butter.
  11.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  12. Bake the pastry for about an hour. Remove from oven.
  13.  Scatter Confectioners’ sugar over the pastry and serve with maple syrup.

Tag: How To Make Topfenstrudel

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