Saturday, May 17, 2014


How To Make Eierkuchen –this one is another German counterpart of an American dish that we call pancakes. This is also flat and thin made from a starch-based batter and cooked on a hot flat surface like frying fan. The American pancake uses baking powder and the English one is usually unleavened like a crepe. Eierkuchen is known to be one of the lunch meal in Germany. It is commonly served with syrup or sauce. Eierkuchen is like a combination of American and English pancakes. Kids love this dish so do I and I am sure you’re going to like it too. Here is how to make Eierkuchen:

8 tablespoon milk
4 eggs
¼ teaspoon salt
2 tablespoon sugar
8 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon maple syrup (you can replace it with vanilla extract)
½ cup butter
Maple syrup

  1. In a bowl, combine together milk, eggs, syrup, salt and sugar.
  2. Mix and stir until all the solid ingredients are dissolved.
  3. Add flour and mix perfectly.
  4. In a flat skillet, melt a spoon of butter (one spoon of butter per pancake.)
  5. Pour batter in the skillet just enough for one pancake. It depends on your desired size.
  6. When the top side of batter is no longer runny, flip the batter upside down.
  7. Fry and check the side underneath. If turned brown, it is already cooked so remove it from the skillet and do the butter and batter process several times.
  8. Transfer to serving plates and serve with maple syrup.

How To Make Eierkuchen

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