Wednesday, April 16, 2014


How To Cook Schweinshaxe –This dish is a Bavarian counterpart of English pork knuckles or what we also call foreshanks. There are many version of this dish and some of these versions are tricky. But what I am going to share with you is not the tricky one because I don’t believe there is a huge difference between the tricky and simple ones as far as taste is concerned. It is good accompanied with beer and also red wine but I’m not much of a drunk person so water or soda pop would be great. And I eat it with rice. There are many German restaurants in the U.S. so you can try many versions of it because they serve Schweinshaxe. Sometimes, if I don’t find prok knuckles, what I use is just pork. Yep, because the recipe is not good just with pork knuckles but also good with different pork meats. Here is how to cook Schweinshaxe:

2 pork knuckles
1 large size carrots (diced)
1 medium size onion (diced)
1 leek (chopped)
1 stalk celery (chopped)
2 tbsp vegetable shortening
1 tsp black pepper (whole)
¼ cup beer
Ground cumin to taste
Salt to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, put together pork knuckles, celery, leek, carrots, onions, salt and pepper.
  2. Add water enough to cover the knuckles.
  3. Bring to a boil and simmer over medium-high heat for 2 hours or longer depending on pork. Just check time to time if the pork is yet tender.
  4. Remove the knuckles from the pot and set aside.
  5. Remove vegetables from the pot and set aside.
  6. Reserve the broth.
  7. Pre heat oven to 220 degrees C. Put the shortening in a baking pan and melt.
  8. Put the knuckles, vegetables and 2 cups of broth to the baking pan.
  9. Bake for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, combine beer and salt (to taste) mix well until the salt is dissolved.
  10. Sprinkle the knuckles and vegetables with beer and bake for another 10 minutes.
  11. Remove from the oven and transfer in serving plates.
  12. Scatter cumin over the knuckels.
  13. And serve with sauerkraut.

Tag: How To Cook Schweinshaxe

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