Thursday, August 29, 2013


How to Make Bunun Millet Cake (Xiaomi Gao) –this food is one of the staple food in some parts of Asia most especially in Taiwan that is where this Millet cake originated, specifically in the Bunun province and that is why it is named after that province. This is a traditional food of the Chinese as well since Taiwanese people came from China. Millet cake or Xiaomi Gao is similar to a traditional food in the Philippines- the Suman. They are both made from grains and also they are both wrapped in the banana leaves. This millet is like the glutinous rice, it is sticky and rich in calories and that is what this food is good for breakfast because it can help a worker through the morning because of the energy it gives. Here is how to make Bunun Millet Cake (Xiaomi Gao): 

5 cups millet grits
Banana leaves (enough to wrap all the millet dough)

1. Soak Millet grits in the water for 1 hour.
2. In a pot, transfer the millet but not the water.
3. Add 3 ½ to 4 ½ cups of water depending on the texture of Millet. To make sure, just put 3 ½ cups of water at first then add little by little if needed.
4. Bring to a boil, lower the heat when boiling then check the water from time to time, add some water if needed until almost cooked.  
5. When almost cooked, remove excess water then cover the pot and let cook for 8 minutes in a low heat.
6. When cooked, let rest to cool down.
7. Using the mortar and pessel, pound the cooked millet until become dough.
8. Heat the banana leaves in an open flame to harden it so that it won’t break when wrapping the millet dough. Just be careful not to burn it.
9. Wrap the millet dough with leaves to form like a log.  
10. Fold both ends of the leaves to seal it.
11. Steam the millet logs for 10 minutes.
12. And serve with honey


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