Tuesday, November 27, 2012


How To Cook Bistek (Beef Steak) – I have shared with you my Bistek recipe before using beef tenderloin but others don’t like the idea of only the people who can afford beef tenderloin are the ones who can eat this dish. Well, that is not true. Let’s say we can’t afford to buy beef tenderloin, or at least we can but we don’t want to spend little extra for it, does that mean we can’t eat beef at all? I don’t agree with them because beef tenderloin is not the only very beef in this world like for example we can buy beef spare ribs in way cheaper price. That’s how I cmae up with the idea of using spare ribs in cooking Beef Steak. I just want to remind you that make sure you’re going to pre-cook the ribs in a pressure cooker to make it tender. Here is how to cook Bistek (Beef Steak) using spare ribs:

1 kilo of Beef spare ribs (cut into serving pieces)
½ cup of low sodium soy sauce
6 cloves of garlic (minced)
3 medium size onions (sliced into rings)
1 teaspoon of ground pepper
½ cup of calamansi extract (lemon extract will do)
Cooking oil
½ cup of spring onions (chopped)

Cooking Procedure
1.      In a bowl, combine soy sauce, pepper, garlic and beef.
2.      Leave to marinate and refrigirate for 4 hours.
3.      After 4 hours, remove the marinade and drain the beef.
4.      Boil the ribs in a pressure cooker to make it tender.
5.      In a pan, heat oil and fry the beef until the beef is cooked.
6.      Pour into the same pan the marinade and calamansi extract.
7.      Stir a little and simmer until the sauce is thickened.
8.      Put in the serving plate.
9.      Add spring onions over the beef and garnish with spring onions.
10.  And serve.
Try this video of Bisktek tutorial.
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video:
Video source: www.youtube.com



How To Cook Bicol Express –In August this year, I shared with you this dish recipe using pork. That is the very simple and traditional recipe of my Bicol Express. But many of us would not want to spend little extra for the pork because of the financial issues they have on so I tried to find ways to cook Bicol Express in a cheaper way but would not ruin the taste of this dish. In this recipe I am going to share with you is simple but not very common because instead of using pork, we are going to use the canned meatloaf. Canned goods like meatloaf is cheaper than the fresh ones yet easier to prepare so busy moms out there could spend more time looking after their kids. I’d like to remind you that this dish is very hot and spicy so I want to remind you to be careful and check the hotness before serving this dish. Here is how to cook Bicol Express using canned meatloaf:

1lb of canned meatloaf (cut into about ¼ inch x ¼ inch cubes)
¼ cup vegetable oil
¼ cup garlic (minced)
¼ cup onions (chopped)
¼ cup ginger (chopped)
1 tsp red chili (siling labuyo or taiwan)
1 cup of red bell pepper (cut into strips)
½ cup of juvenile shrimp paste (alamang)
2 cups of coconut milk (instant or powder will do)
Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pan, saute garlic, onions and ginger until garlic is brown.
  2. Add the meatloaf. Stir fry until the meatloaf is brown.
  3. Add shrimp paste and red chili and stir.
  4. Pour in the coconut milk. Let it boil until thickened.
  5. Add the red bell pepper, groud pepper and salt. Simmer until the bell pepper is cooked.
  6. And serve with your favorite beverage or beer.
Try this video of Bicol Express tutorial:
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
Video source: www.youtube.com


Monday, November 26, 2012


How To Cook Batchoy With Egg –I have shared with you my Batchoy recipe before but that one is the simplest recipe of Batchoy and you might add something to make more special. Well, in this recipe we are going to cook, we are going to add another ingredient that would make your Batchoy more appealing. This version of Batchoy is I think not common in my hometown because I have not eaten Batchoy with eggs here all my life. In this recipe, we are going to add eggs. The purpose of it is to make our Batchoy taste like Lomi and that would be good because many of us would like both dishes combined in one regular dish. And if you are like cost cutting and don’t want to spend little extra, then you can just replace the prok with egg since we already have the liver  as ingredient. Here is how to cook Batchoy with Egg:

1 kilo of Canton noodles
½ kilo of pork
½ kilo of pig’s liver (chopped into ¼” x ¼ “)
2 raw eggs
4 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of spring onions (chopped)
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
2 cups of Chicharon (crushed)
2 heads of garlic (crushed)
15 cups of water

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pan, heat oil and saute garlic until golden brown. Set aside.
  2. In a pot, boil water. Add pepper and salt. Simmer for 2 minutes.
  3. Add the pork. Simmer until the pork is cooked.
  4. Add the liver and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Add the Sauteed garlic, Canton noodles and raw egg.
  6.  Stir a little and simmer until the noodles are cooked.
  7. Scatter spring onions and Chicharon over the noodles when serving.
Try this another version of Batchoy video tutorial.
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video:



How To Cook Adobong Kangkong With Tinapa –here is another way of cooking Kangkong. This dish is very Filipino and not just a dish but it is very cheap because Kangkong is not expensive and if you live in a rural place like you have ponds and rivers close to your house, you can get it for free and you can tell that your Kangkong is fresh and cleaner. You can add pork to this dish but this time, we are going to cook Adobong Kangkong with Tinapa flakes. We know that Tinapa is cheap and that makes this dish very cheap and affordable. Many people say this is a poor man’s dish, I don’t agree with them because I know rich people who crave for it not because they are frugal but they really love this dish, they even pay for someone to cook Adobong Kangkong for them. Here is how to cook Adobong Kangkong with Tinapa:

1 tbsp cooking oil
1tsp garlic (crushed)
4 tbsp barbecue marinade
3 cups of Kangkong (Asian watercress)
1 cup of deboned Tinapa flakes (smoked fish)
1 tbsp vinegar
Salt to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a frying pan, heat oil and saute garlic until golden brown.
  2. Add barbecue marinade and kangkong leaves, stir until the kangkong turns dark green.
  3. Add the Tinapa flakes and stir a little.
  4. Add vinegar and salt.
  5. Simmer until the Kangkong is cooked.
  6. Remove from heat.
  7. Put in a serving plate with rice and serve.
Try this another version of Adobong Kangkong video recipe.
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.


Sunday, November 25, 2012


How To Cook Escabeche (Escabecheng Galunggong) –here is another way of cooking this delicious Flipino dish called Escabeche. There are numerous sorts of fish we can buy from the wet market and that means there are many kinds of fish dishes we can cook like Escabeche. From the very cheap Galunggong to the very expensive Lapu-lapu so the good thing about this it is that not only the rich and middle class people can eat this dish but even the ones from poor families. I have shared with you my Escabeche using pineapple so I thought you might come up with the idea of cost cutting and use instant pineapple juice instead of the real one, I would like to give a little advise, don’t do it because I tried it before and you would not like the outcome. And if you still want to cut the cost, use a little pineapple and add some vinegar to cover up the need of sourness. Here is how to cook Escabeche (Escabecheng Galunggong):

1 kilo of Galunggong (Mackarel Scad fish)
2 carrots (cut into sticks)
2 red bell peppers (cut into strips)
2 cups of Pineapple chunks
½ cup of Pineapple juice
5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onions
2 thumb-size gingers (thinly sliced)
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of maple syrup (caramel or brown sugar will do)
¼ cup of low sodium soy sauce
¾ cup of water
3 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
Cooking oil

Cooking Procedure
  1. Prepare the Galunggong by removing the scales, gills and innards.
  2. In a pan, fry the Galunggong until golden brown and set aside.
  3. Saute garlic and onions until light brown.
  4. Add the water, pineapple and carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add the Pineapple juice, ginger, syrup, flour and salt. Stir well.
  6. Simmer until the sauce becomes thick.
  7. Add the red bell pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes.
  8. Pour the sauce mixture over the Galunggong and serve.

That’s How To Cook Escabeche (Escabecheng Galunggong).

Thursday, November 22, 2012


How To Cook Adobong Sitaw (Stringbean Adobo) –This dish is very Filipino and one of the favorite dishes cooked with stringbean or what we call sitaw in Tagalog. Cooking Adobong Sitaw is the same as how we cook adobong kangkong. Many people find this dish as not so appealing since this is a vegetable dish but there are many ways to make it more delicious and mouth watering.

 I have seen many ways and procedures on cooking Adobong Sitaw and and in the near future I will share them with you but for now, we are going to discuss this very dish in a very simple way. Adobong Sitaw does not require advanced skills in culinary and another good thing about it is that the ingredients are very cheap and easy to find in the market. This recipe of Adobong Sitaw is a traditional one but we are going to add one ingredient that will make it a little appealing –the Tinapa or smoked fish. Here is how to cook Stringbean Adobo (Adobong Sitaw):

1 tbsp cooking oil
1tsp garlic (crushed)
3 cups Stringbean (Sitaw)
½ cup of soy sauce
1 tbsp vinegar
1 cup of Tinapa flakes (smoked fish flakes)
Salt to taste

Cooking procedure
  1. In a frying pan, heat oil and saute garlic until golden brown.
  2. Add the Stringbean and soy sauce. Stir.
  3. Simmer until the Stringbean is almost cooked.
  4. Add vinegar, Tinapa flakes and salt. Stir a little.
  5. Simmer for another 3 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat.
  7. Put in a serving plate with rice and serve.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


How To Cook Escabecheng Bangus -This Dish is known for its sour soup because it is originally prepared with vinegar. There are many ways to cook this dish and you can use many ingredients to make it sour, just think of the liquid, solid and even paste ingredients that you would think can be used for cooking Escabeche. I know some people that use kinds of fruit to make their Escabeche sour but none of them use pineapple so years ago i created my version of Escabeche by using this healthy fruit. I have shared with you this recipe before using another fish but this time we are going to use Milkfish or what we call Bangus in Filipino. In cooking this dish, you can use the pineapple chunks or the extract, it is up to you as long as you would like the combination of taste. But to make sure you would not ruin the taste, just use both. Here is how to cook Escabecheng Bangus:
1 kilo of Bangus/Milkfish (2 pieces)
2 carrots (cut into sticks)
2 red bell peppers (cut into strips)
2 cups of Pineapple chunks
½ cup of Pineapple juice
5 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onions
2 thumb-size gingers (thinly sliced)
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of maple syrup (caramel or brown sugar will do)
¼ cup of low sodium soy sauce
¾ cup of water
3 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
Cooking oil
Cooking Procedure
  1. Prepare the Bangus by removing the scales, gills and innards.
  2. In a pan, fry the Bangus until golden brown and set aside.
  3. Saute garlic and onions until light brown.
  4. Add the water, pineapple and carrots. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Add the Pineapple juice, ginger, syrup, flour and salt. Stir well.
  6. Simmer until the sauce becomes thick.
  7. Add the red bell pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes.
  8. Pour the sauce mixture over the Bangus and serve.
 Try this version of Escabeche:
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
                  Courtesy of youtube.com

Friday, November 9, 2012


How To Make Daing Na Pusit (Dried Squid)  –This dish is one of the favorite pulutans of the Filipinos because it is so tasty and it easily kill the bad taste of alcohol beverages. The best time for making Daing Na Pusit is during summer because it is the season when squids are cheaper in the market and easier to dry squids. Daing na Pusit is a traditional dish in the Philippines and even these days, processing food like drying is still used since not all households have fridge for better food storage. 

There are many ways and [rocedures that can be used in making Daing Na Pusit and what I am going to share with you is the simplest and very traditional technique. In this recipe, we are going to use the smaller squid because it is softer and easier to dry. In the Northern part of the country, one of the methods they use is like making tinapa which they hang the squid over the smoking stuff until the squids become dry. In Central Luzon where I live, the most common way we use is the very traditional solar-drying method. Here is how to make Daing Na Pusit (Dried Squid):

1 kilo of Squid
1 cup of rock salt
Cooking oil
Hot chili sauce

Method and Cooking Procedure
  1. Wash the squid thoroughly.
  2. In a bowl, combine squid and salt.
  3. Gently mash to remove the dirt that has not been removed by water.
  4. Remove the eyes and innards.
  5. Wash the squid to remove excess salt.
  6. Drain water and arrange the squid over the metal screen.
  7. Dry the squid under the sun for 2 days.
  8. When ready for cooking, heat oil in a pan.
  9. Drop the squid little by little until crispy.
  10. Put in a platter and serve with hot sauce.
That's how to make Daing Na Pusit (Dried Squid).

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


How To Make Siomai Without Singkamas –We know that one of the main ingredients of Siomai is the singkamas but not all of us like it for some reasons. I know a person who hate singkamas, we are very close so I made a recipe of Siomai without singkamas so that she could enjoy the dish without being upset because she found out that she is eating a horrible (to her) thing that is part of the Siomai. This recipe is not tricky so mums out there, if you think your kids don’t like singkamas, this recipe is for you.

We are going to use carrots instead of singkamas. Carrot is one of many vegetables that we can use to replace singkamas and I am sure you’ll come up with something good as a replacement that your kids will surely love. Here is how to make Siomai without Singkamas:


( filling )
1 lb ground pork
½ cup of carrots (thinly chopped)
1 cup of chopped spring onions
1 egg
2 tablespoon of olive oil
1 teaspoon of powdered pepper
50 pieces of siomai wrapper
¼ cup of Low sodium soy sauce
Hot chilli sauce
1 tablespoon of Calamansi extract (lemon will do)

( dip )
3 tablespoon of red hot chilli
1 tablespoon of oil
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
Soy sauce to taste

Preparation and Cooking Procedure
  1. In a bowl, combine all the filling ingredients except wrapper.
  2. Scoop a spoonful of filling for every wrapper.
  3. In a steamer, boil some water.
  4. Arrange the wrapped siomai in the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.
  5. While steaming, prepare the dip. Combine all the dip ingredients.
  6. When done steaming. Put the Siomai in a platter and serve with dip in a saucer.


Friday, November 2, 2012


How To Cook Sinampalukang Baboy (Pork and Tamarind leaves) –This recipe I am going to share with you is another kind of dish cooked with tamarind leaves or we call talbos ng sampalok in tagalog. Somebody read my post about my Sinampalukan recipe using chicken as its meat and she asked me if she could use pork instead of chicken. I said yes. Not all of us would prefer chicken so this recipe we are going to cook is about Sinampalukang Baboy or Pork with Tamarind leaves. To me, chicken and pork are even depending on what dish I am going to cook and In our kitchen, we cook both from time to time. If you want to cook Sinampalukan but you want to make it little cheaper, chicken would be recommended because manok is cheaper than pork. In cooking this dish, if you can not find chili leaves, you can use malunggay leaves or spinach. Here is how to cook Sinampalukang Baboy:

1 kilo of pork (chopped into serving pieces)
3 cups of talbos ng sili (chili leaves)
3 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onion (sliced)
2 cups of young Tamarind leaves
4-8 pieces of green chili (siling panigang)
6 cups of water (you may add more cups as desired)
Cooking oil
Fish sauce to taste

  1. In a pot, heat oil. Saute onion and garlic.
  2. Add the pork. Stir until the color turns to light brown.
  3. In a pot, pour in water and bring to a boil.
  4. Add the pork and simmer until the pork is cooked.
  5. Add the fish sauce, stir and check the saltiness.
  6. Add the Tamarind leaves and simmer until the pork is tender.
  7. Add the chili leaves and simmer for 5 minutes more.
  8. Scoop some and pour in a serving bowl and serve.
  9. Enjoy!
 That's how to cook Sinampalukang Baboy.