Tuesday, October 9, 2012


How To Cook Simple Chicken Balti –This dish originated in Birmingham and became known by Brits. This is an authentic dish of the English that became popular not only in the United Kingdom but also in the United States. I learned how to cook simple Chicken Balti when I was in college. Using different meat ingredients I was tryng my best to make a simple Balti recipe yet delicious and affordable. There are many kind and variations of this dish since it became an International dish. Like me, many chefs have tried and trying to find ways how to cook simple Chicken Balti and believe me i tried those recipes they created and most of them are really good. Not all Brits know how to cook Chicken Balti because of the lifestyle they have. They are too busy for them to cook so instead of cooking, they end up calling food delivery services. Well, some of them who have the benefit of using extra time for some activities, they do. This recipe I am about to share with you is just a simple one and it is very basic so if you are going to try it, I would advise you to add some ingredients you think could enhance this recipe. Here is how to cook Simple Chicken Balti:


½ kilo of chicken (chopped into serving pieces)
1 medium size onion (sweet onion would be better), sliced
½ teaspoon of ground pepper
1 teaspoon of shredded ginger
1 teaspoon of annatto water
1 teaspoon of garlic (minced)
250g tomato sauce
2 tablespoon of hot chilli sauce
200ml of water

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pan, saute garlic, onion and ginger.
  2. Add the chicken and stir-fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Add the tomato sauce and chilli sauce. Stir.
  4. Add the water and simmer for 20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked.
  5. And serve with rice.

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