Thursday, October 11, 2012


How To Cook Beef Asado (Asadong Baka) –This is one of the common dishes you find whenever you eat in a restaurant in the Philippines. I have shared with you my asadong baboy before and this time, we are going to use the beef instead of pork. Not all of us like pork so I thoguht it is better if I share with you this dish using another meat. This is how to cook Beef Asado in simple way and you are free to add some twist to it. You can add the ingredients or replace some with something you think would suit your taste. To those who have read my Asadong baboy post, you don’t need to learn this thing anymore, all you have to do is to replace the pork with beef and you’re good.
If you feel like using another meat, well, you can use this recipe as guide. You can use the lamb or the chicken breast. It is up to you because you are not cooking to please me so please enjoy my recipe and don’t forget to experiment. This is how to cook Beef Asado (Asadong Baka).


1 kilo of Beef tenderloin
4 potatoes (quartered)
3 medium size onions (chopped)
1 head of garlic (minced)
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
4 bay leaves (Laurel)
3 cups of vinegar
¼ cup of oil
2 tablespoon of salt
2 tablespoon of low sodium salt
2 red bell peppers (diced)
¼ cup of annatto water
3 tablespoon of tomato sauce (optional)
½ cup of brown sugar
2 ½ cups of water

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, put the beef, vinegar, Pepper, one teaspoon of minced ginger, salt, bay leaves and soy sauce.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer until the beef is cooked.
  3. In a pan, pour some oil and fry the potatoes. Set aside.
  4. In the same pan, saute garlic and onion. Add tomato sauce.
  5. Add sugar and ½ cup of water.
  6. Slice the beef according to your preference.
  7. In the pan, add the beef, bell pepper, annatto water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. Remove from heat and serve.

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