Monday, September 24, 2012


I hope my Morcon Recipe will give you the help in throwing parties for your birthdays or something like that. Making Morcon requires a little patience because it is not that easy like the ones I have shared with you because Morcon is a meat dish with ingredients rolled with thin beef loaf (not the canned one). Somebody asked me to blog about this dish so I said to myself, why not? Before planning to cook Morcon, you must have time to prepare it because even if you know how to make morcon, you’re not gonna make it because you did not have enough time to marinate the beef and don’t even think of not marinating it because you would not get the Morcon taste you want to get. Here is how to make Morcon.

Recipe: How To Make Morcon (Beef)

Morcon Ingredients
1 kilo of beef (thinly sliced like ½ inch in single piece)
Extract of 5 pieces calamansi (lemon will do)
¼ cup of low sodium soy sauce
4 pieces of sauage or hotdogs (quartered diagonally)
2 hard boiled eggs (thinly sliced)
80-100 grams of Eden cheese (cut into thin strips)
1 piece of carrot (chopped almost like granules)
4 strips of bacon
4 leaves of spring onion (just the leaves)
2 tablespoon of all-purpose flour
½ cup of cooking oil

Morcon Cooking Procedure
  1. In a plastic pouch or bowl, combine soy sauce, calamansi extract and beef.
  2. Mainate for 4 hours while being in the fridge.
  3. Drain the beef, set aside the marinade sauce.
  4. Lay the beef flat on a tray.
  5. Arrange the remaining ingredients over the beef except oil and flour.
  6. Carefully roll the meat and tie with clean string around the roll.
  7. Dredge the roll in the flour.
  8. In a pan, pour in the oil and fry the roll until the roll turned brown.
  9. In a pot, boil water and simmer until the beef is tender.
  10. Slice the roll in a platter.
  11. Boil the sauce and pour over the sliced roll.
  12. And serve.

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