Sunday, August 26, 2012



Kilawing Baboy recipe is easy to find but it is hard to find the version you would really love to cook and eat. Kilawin is an authentic Filipino dish and you can easily find it in small restaurants, food shops, turo-turo, carenderia, etc. Kilawing Baboy is always present at the reception whenever there is an occasion like weddings or reunions. What I love in Kilawing Baboy is the taste of vinegar combined with the taste of pepper, onion and garlic plus the juicy taste of Pork and liver. Kilawing Baboy also is one of the favorite “pulutans” of the beer drinkers in the Philippines. And another good thing about this dish is that it is cheaper compared to the other meat dishes and it is easy to cook. I had my first Kilawin to cook back in high school. I asked my mother for the recipe and I made few changes to it. Here is how to cook Kilawing Baboy:

1 kg of boneless pork (sliced into bite size)
½ kg pork’s liver (sliced into bite size)
1 cup of onion (sliced)
1 head of garlic (crushed)
1 cup of vinegar (natural or chemical)
1 tsp of ground pepper
½ cup of water
Salt to taste

  1. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients except for the pork and liver.
  2. Add the pork and liver and marinate for about 1 hour.
  3. Put the all the ingredients including the marinade mixture into the pot and simmer until the pork is tender.
  4. Have a taste so that you can add some salt if you want to.
  5. Rmove from heat and serve.

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