Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Marzipan is a German sweetend food. It is commonly served with almonds and sugar. There are some people who used maple syrup as sweetener. How the Germans make Marzipan? They use real ground almonds and sugar. But in Canada, new version of it became known, and how they make it? They use Maple syrup as sweetener. My grammy has her own way how to make Marzipan. I made a little changes on it because I would like to make my very own Marzipan recipe. Here is how I make it.


1 ½ cup whole blanched almonds
½ cup confectioner’s sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
½ cup maple syrup
½ cup egg white


  1. Grind the almonds into powder.
  2. Mix with confectioner’s sugar, mix well.
  3. Put the mixture in a bowl.
  4. Whisk the egg white together with vanilla and maple syrup.
  5. In a pan, scatter confectioner’s sugar over it.
  6. Roll out the almond paste into like 10” long and 2” thick stick.
  7. Wrap in a parchment paper and refrigirate for 3 hours.
  8. Cut the Almond stick into pieces.
  9. Wrap with wax paper and refrigirate.

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