Tuesday, February 14, 2012



I love Japanese foods. One of my favs is the Tempura. I love its crispy batter and the taste of the shrimp. I had my first Tempura experience when I was in college. I liked it so I came up with the idea of cooking it for myself, so I conducted research about how to cook it. I made my very first tempura and my mom liked it. Since then, we used to cook Tempura whenever there was a party or occasion in our home. I am gona share with you my recipe.

Recipe: Tempura


4 pieces large shrimp
1 cup ice cold water
1 tablesppon of baking soda
1 egg
olive oil
½ tablespoon salt
1 cup all purpose flour
Calamansi extract
Soy sauce


  1. Put olive oil in a frying pan and set in a medium heat.
  2. In a plate, spread the shrimp with the salt.
  3. In a small bowl, mix the flour with the baking soda, add a pich of salt.
  4. When the oil is hot enough for frying, whisk the egg with the ice cold water and pour it into the bowl of mixed flour and stir.
  5. Dip the shrimp into the mixed batter quickly.
  6. Put the shrimp into the frying pan and cook for about 3-4 minutes.
  7. When the sound is fading, remove quickly the shrimp and roll it onto the paper towel to remove the excessive oil and put on a plate.
  8. In a small saucer, put soy sauce and mix with calamansi extract according to your desire. And serve.

There you go! You have cooked your tempura. You don’t need to go to the japanesse restaurants just to eat Tempura.



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