Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Spaghetti is served with pasta that is made of flour or water. Some pasta are made of Semolina. Spaghetti became popular because of its good taste. Many people learned how to cook spaghetti. Many people know how to cook it on their very own style. There are some versions of Spaghetti that are become known like Filipino style spaghetti, Italian sausage spaghetti, sweet and sour spaghetti, etc. My mom knows how to cook both Filipino style and Italian sausage spaghetti. But I tried to make my own version, here is how to cook my very own beef spaghetti.

Recipe: Beef Spaghetti


250g corned beef
8 oz. pack spaghetti pasta
20ml tomato sauce
1 small size potato (minced and cooked)
1 tablespoon blacke pepper powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Salt (in desired amount)
Dried oregano leaves (shredded)


  1. Stir fry the corned beef and set aside.
  2. Mix together all the ingredients (except the pasta) in a pan, mix throughly.
  3. Cook over medium-low heat for about 2 hours, stir time to time.
  4. In a pot, put some water add salt, boil the water, put the pasta into it and let it boil until the pasta is cooked.
  5. Put some cooked pasta in a plate, pour some sauce onto it, and serve.

That is how I cook my own version of spaghetti. You may add some changes to it to make your own version too. Learning how to cook spaghetti is not so hard. Many people learned how to cook it right after their first attempt. So do not be afraid to conduct experiment on how to cook your own version of spaghetti.

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