Tuesday, November 18, 2014


HOW TO MAKE BURONG MANGGA -this is a very popular condiment in the Philippines that is made of unripe mangoes. Mango is very abundant in the Philippines especially during summer time. Its name is derived from two Filipino terms, 'buro' which means fermented and 'mangga' which is a tagalog name for mango. Making this dish requires the process of fermentation only this time, we are not going to make beer but a condiment which is good to combine with fried fish. Burong Mangga is very similar to pickled stuff and to me, I would prefer to call it pickled mango. In the main Island of Luzon in the Philippines, this condiment is very abundant that you can even find it in the grocery stores and supermarket sold in jars and bottles. Making this condiment is very easy but will require longer period of time for pickling process. Not all kinds of mango are used for burong mangga but the one called 'kinalabaw' and the Philippine native mango which is a smaller kind of Kinalabaw. Take note that we need only the unripe ones and it is a lot better if we use the younger mango which the fiber coating of seed is not yet developed. This recipe I am going to share with you is very easy that it only requires 3 ingredients -mango, salt and water. But of course we will need jars with lid for storage because we do not want our Burong Mangga to catch some unwanted microorganisms that can ruin our Buro. Here is the recipe:

                               image source: myfoodscenes.wordpress.com


12 pieces unripe mangoes
1/2 cup rock salt
4 cups water

1. Prepare the mangoes by washing and peeling.
2. Cut the mangoes into halves, then cut the halves into sticks.
3. In a pot, boil water and salt not longer than 5 minutes. Set aside and cool down.
4. Put the mango sticks in 4 clean jars.
5. Pour water and salt solution in the jars. Place the lid and seal.
6. Put the jars in a cool and dry place and let it stay for 3 days.
7. To preserve, store the jars of Burong Mangga in the fridge.


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