Sunday, September 7, 2014


Spargel is another kind of dish made of asparagus combine with sauce and garnished with some vegetables. But I have tried many recipes of Spargel without having vegetables except the main ingredients  the asparagus. This dish is very common in the countries with German minorities. Basically, the whole Europe I think knows about this dish. This recipe I am going to share with you is just a simple version of it so the ingredients can be easily find in almost all of the supermarkets and groceries near you. I would like to encourage you to experiment on it because this dish has a lot of possibilities on it especially when you are dealing with the sauce. Here is the simple recipe:

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1/4 cup butter
32 ounce asparagus (trimmed)
a pinch of lemon zest
2 tsp lemon extract
1/2 tsp kosher salt
a pinch of white pepper

for the sauce
4 tablespoon butter
4 eggs (yolks separated)
8 tablespoon heavy cream
2 tsp lemon extract
1/4 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

Cooking Preparation and Procedure:
1. In a pan, melt butter, add asparagus, white pepper, lemon zest and salt. Saute until cooked but not so tender.
2. Place in a serving plate and add the lemon extract.
3. In a saucepan, melt butter for the sauce. Transfer in a mixing bowl. Add yolks and whisk until combined perfectly.
4. Add heavy cream, sugar and lemon extract into the mixture bowl and stir. Put back into the sauce pan and heat over low heat while stirring slightly thick.
5. Remove from and heat and add the mustard. Stir perfectly.
6. Pour sauce on the asparagus and serve.


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