Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Quarkkeulchen is a sweet main dish made of mashed potatoes and quark. This dish is also prepared with flour and egg. Some recipes include lemon peel to the ingredients to give a better aroma. This dish is similar to gedadschde which is a dumpling made of potatoes and flour too. The size of the dough depends on the preference of the the maker, sometimes less than the size of a palm.  Quarkkeulchen is also considered as pancakes only thicker than the usual American pancakes we know. Many kinds of sauce can be served with this cake but the commonly used ones are the apple sauce and vanilla. If you are a mother with little kids, this one is perfect for you because the kids love it. Jams can be used for the sauce so if your kids ask for jams, you can grant their request. Some recipes use nuts and raisins for the ingredients and that is okay but mind if there is someone who has an allergic reaction to the nuts. I am not sure if you would like it for dessert, but to me, it is almost perfect for dessert because of its sweetness. Quarkkeulchen is like universal meal because you can literally prepare this one for breakfast, lunch or snack.  Here is the recipe i would like to share with you:

    image source: wikipedia.org


1 hour

16 ounce cooked mashed potatoes
16 ounce quark
20 tablespoon all-purpose flour
sugar (5 tablespoon but you can adjust the amount depending on you taste)
1 egg
oil for frying

Preparation and Step by Step Cooking/Baking Procedure:
1. In a bowl, combine together mashed potatoes, flour, egg and quark. Mix perfectly to form dough.
2. If the dough is too thick, you can add the mixture with milk, if too thin and runny, add flour.
3. On a lightly floured table or board, scoop a part of the dough and make it a ball.
4. Using a spatula, gently press the ball to make it flat and thin as much as possible. Do the process for the rest of the dough.
5. In a skillet, heat oil. Fry the dough until golden brown.
6. Remove the cooked Quarkkeulchen from the skillet and put on a paper towel to remove excess oil.
7. Serve with apple sauce or maple syrup.