Tuesday, December 4, 2012


How To Cook Camote Cue with margarine –Yesterday I posted my banana cue recipe prepared with margarine and sugar. This time I am going to share with you the Camote Cue dish similar to what I shared with you yesterday. In this recipe we are as well going to use margarine and bits of sugar. Others find the traditional Camote Cue cooking procedure a little tricky especially the process when turning the sugar into caramel. This alternative way of cooking Camote Cue does not require further knowledge in cooking and it is easier than the traditional one but the taste is different since we are not turning the sugar into caramelized substance, instead we are using Margarine and plain sugar. Here is how to cook Camote Cue with Margarine:

8 pieces of medium size sweet potatoes (Camote)
300ml of oil
¼ cup of brown sugar
½ cup of Margarine
10 pieces of bbq sticks

Cooking Procedure
  1. Peel the sweet potatoes and slice into saucer-like pieces (½ inch thick).
  2. In a pan, heat oil.
  3. Drop the sweet potatoes by batches and fry until the sweet potatoes are cooked.
  4. Spread Margarine all over the sweet potatoes and scatter sugar all over it.
  5. Get the sweet potatoes skewered on the bbq sticks and serve.

Try this version of Banana cue video recipe:

Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
Video source: www.youtube.com


Monday, December 3, 2012


How To Cook Banana Cue With Margarine –This very popular snack dish in the Philippines has many variations too, although the one with caramelized sugar is the most popular version of this food, many Filipinos still cook it in their very own ways and procedures. I am going to share with you this Banana Cue in new, simple and easy way to cook. I am not sure if somebody out there cooks Banana Cue with Margarine the way I do but there is one thing I am sure of, this snack food is very delicious and cheap. In cooking this dish, you don’t need to be a skilled chef nor has a basic knowledge in cooking, just follow this step by step procedure I am about to share with you. Here is how to cook Banana Cue with Margarine:

10 pieces of ripe Plantain Bananas
300ml of oil
¼ cup of brown sugar
½ cup of Margarine
10 pieces of BBQ sticks

Cooking Procedure
  1. Remove the skin of the Bananas.
  2. In a pan, heat oil.
  3. Drop the Bananas by batch and fry until the Bananas are cooked. Time depends on how much ripe the Bananas are.
  4. Roll the cooked Bananas on paper towel to remove the excess oil.
  5. Spread Margarine all over the Bananas and scatter sugar all over it.
  6. Get the Bananas skewered on the bbq sticks and serve.

Try this version of Banana cue:

Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
Video source: www.youtube.com


Sunday, December 2, 2012


How To Cook Pinakbet (Ilocano Style) –Here is another version of Pinakbet. In the Philippines, there are two main versions of this dish, the Ilocano and Tagalog versions. In September this year, I have shared with you my Tagalog style Pinakbet and now I am going to share with you the Ilocano version. This dish is easier than the other version because you don’t need to saute the garlic and onions here unlike the other one but instead of we are going to put the whole sweet onions and we don’t need oil to cook this one. There are many kinds of vegetables we can use in cooking this dish but we are going to use the most common vegetables used in cooking Pinakbet. You can use any vegetable that you think would be good to combine with the vegetbales we are going to use in this recipe but make sure it will not ruin the taste of our dish and make sure you won’t use too much Alubaybay fish sauce because fish sauce is salty. Here is how to cook Pinakbet (Ilocano Style):

½ kilo of boneless pork (diced)
2 large size onions (quartered)
¼ cup of boneless alubaybay fish sauce (bagoong isda)
2 cups of water
5 regular size eggplants (cut into desire sizes but don’t cut too small)
5 pieces of medium size tomatoes (cut into 4 pieces each)
6 pieces of Okra (cut into 2 pieces each)
1 cup of Ampalaya fruit (Bitter gourd) cut into 4 pieces each

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, boil the water.
  2. Add the pork and simmer until the pork is cooked.
  3. Add the eggplant, Okra and Ampalaya.
  4. Add the fish sauce. Simmer until the vegetables are cooked.
  5. Remove from heat and serve.

Try this version of Pinakbet:

Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of this video.
Video source: www.youtube.com