Wednesday, October 17, 2012


How To Cook Easy Siomai –Many of us are sick and tired of looking for easy Sioami recipe but most of us upset ebcause we could not find the easy but delicious one. Well, it is time for you to smile because I am about to share with you my Easy Siomai. This dish is very popular in the Philippines although it did not originate in the Philippines. Many street vendors, food carts and small food shops offer this dish. Siomai is very good as snack especially when you combine it with cold lemon soda. There are many ways how to make easy Siomai and I think it is a good thing because it only means that you can make your own version of it. Think about something you may want to add here, maybe a fish or maybe a vegetable. That way you can make your own version of it. And it’s easy, no? Okay, let us get started, prepare all the ingredients. Here is how to make easy Siomai:



For filling
1 lb ground pork
¼ cup of turnip (thinly chopped)
¼ cup of carrots (thinly chopped)
1 cup of chopped spring onions
1 egg
2 tablespoon of olive oil
1 teaspoon of powdered pepper
50 pieces of siomai wrapper
¼ cup of Low sodium soy sauce
Hot chilli sauce
1 tablespoon of Calamansi extract (lemon will do)

For dip
3 tablespoon of red hot chilli
1 tablespoon of oil
2 cloves of garlic (minced)
Soy sauce to taste

Preparation and Procedure
  1. In a bowl, combine all the filling ingredients except wrapper.
  2. Scoop a spoonful of filling for every wrapper.
  3. In a steamer, boil some water.
  4. Arrange the wrapped siomai in the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.
  5. While steaming, prepare the dip. Combine all the dip ingredients.
  6. When done steaming. Put the Siomai in a platter and serve with dip in a saucer.

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