Tuesday, October 2, 2012


How to Cook Lomi (Easy) –Lomi is one of the liked dishes when the weather is cold and rainy. I don’t know where this noodle dish originated. One thing I know about this dish is that this is delicious that you could forget about the other noodle dishes you have favorited before. This Lomi I am going to share with you is very Filipino and you don’t need much ingredient here because the secret of my recipe is the combination of the whole ingredients. If you are going to eat this dish in a restaurant, you would notice that their Lomi has tons of ingredients but the taste is still exactly like the ones you buy from street food shops. When I was about to start learning how to cook Lomi, I tought it was tricky but no. All the beginners could learn how to cook it in just minutes. Here is my recipe:


½ kilo of Miki noodles
½ kilo of pork (diced)
1 cup of squidballs
¼ kilo of meatballs
6 cloves of garlic (minced)
1 medium size onions (chopped)
12 cups of water
2 tablespoon of cornstarch (dissolved in ½ cup of water)
¼ cup of oil
4 eggs
Salt and ground pepper to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, saute garlic and onions until golden brown.
  2. Add pork, squidballs, meatballs, salt and water.
  3. Simmer until the meatballs and pork are cooked.
  4. Add the cornstarch and stir for 1 minute.
  5. Add the Miki noodles and pepper. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove from heat.
  7. Whisk the eggs. Pour in and stir.
  8. And serve while hot.


  1. I followed this instructions and it taste like its missing sine ingredients

    1. im sorry that you find this recipe lacking some ingredients, ms.mitsumoto. i'd like to tell you the possible reasons why you find it that way. firstly, maybe the amounts of some of the ingredients do not suit your taste. you can adjust the amounts. secondly, you could tell by this post's title that it is not the best lomi but an 'easy' version. lastly, in the introduction paragraph, i said "If you are going to eat this dish in a restaurant, you would notice that their Lomi has tons of ingredients..." and that literally means this recipe does not have all the ingredients you can find in a lomi served in fancy restaurants. i am a bit skeptical if the lomi you had before did not have artificial flavorings in it like MSG for instance to enhance the taste. i hope i am helping. thanks for the feedback.
