Friday, October 12, 2012


How To Cook Chicken Asado (Asadong Manok) –We are going to cook another Filipino traditional dish called Asadong Manok in very Filipino way. This dish is barely different from the Asado dishes I have shared with you on my recent posts. Not all of us are huge fans of beef nor pork so I made this recipe for those who like the chicken above beef and pork. Some of us know how to cook Chicken Asado or Asadong manok and they know cooking this dish is not that tricky at all.
I have received emails from my readers and they asked me if the sugar in my previous post is too sweet for a kilo of meat. But others told me also that I should add a little more sugar. That’s what I was talking about. If you feel like the sugar is too sweet for a kilo of meat then reduce the amount to suit your taste. And by the way, you can use the white sugar if you don’t have any brown sugar at home. Alright folks, this is how to cook Chicken Asado (Asadong Manok).


1 kilo of boneless chicken (Philippine native manok would be the best)
4 potatoes (quartered)
3 medium size onions (chopped)
1 head of garlic (minced)
1 teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
4 bay leaves (Laurel)
3 cups of vinegar
¼ cup of oil
2 tablespoon of salt
2 tablespoon of low sodium salt
2 red bell peppers (diced)
¼ cup of annatto water
3 tablespoon of tomato sauce (optional)
½ cup of brown sugar
2 ½ cups of water

Cooking Procedure
  1. In a pot, put the chicken, vinegar, Pepper, one teaspoon of minced ginger, salt, bay leaves and soy sauce.
  2. Bring to a boil and simmer until the chicken is cooked.
  3. In a pan, pour some oil and fry the potatoes. Set aside.
  4. In the same pan, saute garlic and onion. Add tomato sauce.
  5. Add sugar and ½ cup of water.
  6. Slice the chicken according to your preference.
  7. In the pan, add the chicken, bell pepper, annatto water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. Remove from heat and serve.

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