Monday, October 8, 2012


   How To Cook Champorado –It is a kind of porridge cooked with chocolate flavorings. Commonly used used ingredient is the glutinous rice which we call malagkit in Tagalog. This sweet rice dish is one of the best snacks of the Filipinos and also it serves as breakfast. If you are going to think about the flvorings, you might say Champorado is expensive but no, because instead of using chocolates, cocoa is used and there are several types of it like the blocks and the powder.
   In some cases, you won’t find cocoa in the shops or grocy stores, you could use the chocolate drinks for the kids but remember that you need to adjust the amount of the sugar you would use because those chocolate drinks are already sweet. This recipe I am going to share with you is just the simple and easy one. You may add more cream or something to add a little creamy taste. Here is how to cook Champorado:


½ cup of cocoa powder
1 cup of glutinous rice (malagkit na bigas)
½ cup of brown sugar
½ cup of heavy cream or condensed milk
2 ½ cups of water
1 cup of warm water

  1. In a pot, boil the water.
  2. Add the glutinous rice. Simmer. Stir occasionally to make it thick.
  3. In a cup of warm water, dilute the cocoa powder.
  4. Add the diluted cocoa in the pot. Stir thoroughly.
  5. Add the sugar. Simmer and keep on stirring until the texture becomes thick.
  6. Pour in a serving bowl.
  7. Pour milk over it and serve while hot.

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