Tuesday, August 21, 2012



It is the Chicken Sisig I just recently discovered. I did not even know this dish existed. I was amazed when I had my first Chicken Sisig back last month because of the extra ordinary taste. Chicken Sisig is great for beer drinkers as pulutan. I was thinking if i could make myself my very own Chicken Sisig recipe so I decided to gather informations about this dish. I asked my friend who used to be a chef in a local restaurant for the recipe but i made a little changes to it. I tried hard to find the best way how to cook it. I even asked my mother for a little help until I made it. Here is how to cook Chicken Sisig:


1kg of boneless chicken
3 cups of onion (chopped)
3 pcs red chili pepper (chopped)
1 cup of butter
Soy sauce to taste
Calamansi or Lemon juice
Vinegar to taste


1. Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl except chicken. Every amount of soy sauce, calamansi and vinegar must be according to your taste.
2. Chop the Chicken into small pieces about 1/4x1/4 inch.
3. Saute the meat until brown.
4. Pour in the mixture. Stir for 1 minute and remove from heat.
5. And serve.

Note: You may use pork brain if you want because like i said it is the original ingredient for Chicken Sisig.

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