Saturday, April 19, 2014


How To Cook Schupfnudeln –this  delicious dish is a kind of home-made pasta. Its dough is made of potatoes and cut into some shapes like a spaghetti pasta noodles. This food is very popular in Germany especially in Baden-Wurttemberg. I already shared with you how to make spaetzle, I mentioned it because we are going to use that dish to make Schupfnudeln. This recipe I am going to share with you is served with many side dishes but what makes it more delicious is that this dish is best served with almost any kind of meat especially when the meat is roasted. This recipe is just a simple one just to help you get started on making this dish yourself. It is not tricky so don’t bother yourself skipping this recipe, lol! Here is how to cook Schupfnudeln:

½ cup flour
1 ½ lb russet potatoes
¼ cup butter
1 egg
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp chopped parsley
¼ tsp ground nutmeg

Cooking Procedure
1.      In a pot, boil potatoes with their peel until cooked, that is approximately half an hour.
2.       Remove from water when cooked. Set aside and let it cool down.
3.      On a clean wide board, scatter some flour on it. Peel the potatoes and mash it on the board.
4.      Add flour and the remaining ingredients except butter. Knead until dough is formed.
5.      Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into 1cm thickness.
6.      Cut the dough into strips about 4cm long and stretch as much as possible. Set aside and let rest for 15 minutes.
7.      In a wide frying pan, put the butter and let it melt over medium heat.
8.      Fry the dough strips until golden brown each sides.
9.      Serve with bacon or sauerkraut.

Tag: How To Cook Schupfnudeln