Monday, January 7, 2013


How To Cook Beef Bulalo (Bulalong Baka) – I have already shared with you my Bulalo recipe and that was the simple version of this dish. Recently I have discovered another ingredient that was good when I tried it on.

Many ask me what are the difference between Nilaga and Bulalo? I did not go to any culinary school so I am not 100% sure about my answer, but for me their difference is that in cooking Bulalo we use bone marrow and in nilaga we use tenderloin or just pork or beef, but the recipe are the same.

In this version of my Bulalo, we are going to use brocoli and carrots. I liked the taste when I did it so I thought I should share this with you. Here is how to cook Beef Bulalo (Bulalong Baka):

1 kg beef bone marrow
1 kg beef meat
1 medium size onion, sliced
2 cups of chopped Brocoli
2 cups of chopped carrots
2 pcs potatoes cut into quarters
2 pcs banana, cut into halves
1 medium size cabbage, cut into quarters
1 ½ liters of water
Salt and pepper to taste

Cooking Procedure
  1. Drop the bone marrow and meat in boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the meat and marrow and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  3. In a pot, boil 1 ½ liter of water.
  4. Add the onion, meat and marrow and simmer until the meat is tender.
  5. Add the potatoes and bananas, brocoli and carrots. Simmer until the vegetables are cooked.
  6. Add salt and pepper.
  7. Add the cabbage and simmer until cabbage is cooked.
  8. Remove from heat and serve.
Try this another version of Bulalo:
Disclaimer: The author of this blog does not claim the ownership of the following video.


That’s how to cook Beef Bulalo (Bulalong Baka).