Thursday, August 30, 2012


This Patatim recipe is not mine. I just got this recipe from my friend because she asked me to blog it. I did not make any adjustment on the amount of the ingredients as well as the procedure. Patatim is not in my frequently cooked dishes list but i can guarantee you that this dish could be one of your favorite dishes because of the good combination of pork and sauce. My mother knows variations of Patatim but she said this one is different, she tried to cook Patatim using this recipe and the outcome was very good. The taste was different but as delicious as the other versions of it. Here is how to cook it:

1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
4 tbsp cup vinegar
6 cups of Pork broth
1 pcs medium size pork hind leg (cut into serving sizes)
1 tbsp cornstarch
Fish sauce to taste
2 pcs bay leaves
1 tsp peppercorn
1 tbsp vegetable oil
6 cloves garlic (minced)
1 medium size onion (minced)
½ cup of brown sugar 

1. Boil the pork until the meat is tender and almost falling off the bones.
2. In a pot, sauté the garlic and onions until light brown.
3. Add the rest of the ingredients except the pork.
4. Bring to a boil and simmer until the sauce is thick.
5. Put the pork in a serving plate.
6. Scoop some sauce and pour over the pork and serve. 


This is a tutorial of how to make Palitaw. Palitaw is a traditional food in the Philippines. The locals call it as one of the mga kakanin sold in small food shops, street vendors, and some native cake stores. Palitaw is one of the best snacks I ever had because it is very delicious yet cheaper than the burgers and pizzas. Palitaw is very easy to make but it has one ingredient that is not easy to find-the galapong. Galapong as the main ingredient in making Palitaw is not common in supermarket and groceries but there is one place where you may ask for it, it is the rice store. Supposing you have your galapong already and you are about to make Palitaw now, I am going to walkthrough you with this recipe:

1 lb of Galapong or malagkit na bigas (rice dough)
4 cups of grated coconut
1 cup of white sugar
Sesame seeds (toasted)

1. Make fractions of the galapong into several pieces according to your desired size.
2. Make a ball-like shape and flatten to make a saucer-like shape.
3. Boil some water about 6 inches deep. Drop the galapong into the boiling water. To know if the galapong is cooked is when it surfaces.
4. Remove the cooked galapong out of the boiling water.
5. Scatter some grated coconut, sugar and sesame seeds over the galapong and serve.