Monday, August 13, 2012



Ginisang Gulay Recipe: Many of us don’t really like vegetables. It is always their problem how to make it through the meal without eating vegetables. I used to eat Gulay since I was a kid. My mother kept saying “kumaen ka ng gulay para pumogi ka”. Well, nobody wants to get ugly so I did believe her, I would even want to ask her to cook Gulay everyday instead of cooking meat. So I grew up eating vegetables and I learned how to cook ginisang gulay or even the Tagalog dish called bulanglang. My mother taught me how to cook gulay in many ways. One these ways is dish I am going to share with you. Here it is:

½ cup carrots
1 ½ cup button mushroom (quartered)
2 cups young chicharon peas (snow pea) stringed

 (garlic sauce)
2 tbsp cooking oil
3 tbsp garlic (minced)
1 tbsp ginger (minced)
¼ cup spring onion (minced)

(seasoning sauce)
1 ½ tbsp corn starch
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp olive oil
1 ½ cups chicken broth
Salt to taste


  1. Blanch the carrots, mushrooms and chicharo separately, set aside.
  2. In a frying pan, heat cooking oil, saute garlic, ginger, and spring onion.
  3. Mix together all the seasoning sauce ingredients. Pour  the sauce into the garlic sauce mixture.
  4. Add the blanched vegetables and stir-fry until cooked.
  5. Serve.


In this recipe, we are going to talk about a very popular Buko Salad or Buco Salad. I love Salad because of its creamy and sweet tastes. I knew how to make it when I was in high school. My mother taught me how to make tons of salad but this one is my favorite because it doesn’t require much ingredients and another good thing about Buko salad is that you can use numerous ingredients like raisins, apples, or even pineapples. But one thing I really hate here is the fact that I had to cut the buko open and shred its nut. Man, that is absolutely a nightmare to me haha! But you can ask someone in the market where you bought the buko to shred them for you. Here is how to make Buko Pandan Salad:

6 grated buko (young coconut)
2 bars of gelatin or gulaman
1 medium can of condensed milk
1 medium can of heavy cream
Pandan syrup to taste (use of fresh pandan leaves is better)
About 300 grams of macapuno
½ cup of raisins

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in 4 cups of boiling water.
  2. Add the pandan syrup. (if pandan leaves are used, removed the leaves when the gelatin is dissolved).
  3. Pour in the dissolved gelatin in a molding pan and let cool until solidified.
  4. Slice the gelatin in desired sizes.
  5. Remove the macapuno juice.
  6. Combine all the ingredients. Mix a little bit.
  7. Put in a fridge for more or less 4 hours.
  8. And serve.


Here is my Laing or Ginataang Laing recipe that you would love. It is not the usual Laing but one thing I can assure you of, it is better. I got my first recipe of this dish from my granny and I thought I could make some changes to it so that I could make my very own version of it. Of course my mom was part of it because I asked her to help me looking for some replacement for its usual ingredients. Laing can be spicy hot or can be kiddo friendly dish because you can cook this dish in many ways. I have many ways how to cook Laing. I can make hot and spicy version as well as the sweet and salty one. I don’t know what part of the country this dish originated but I am sure that this dish is a Philippine traditional food. Here is my recipe of it:

6 cups of dried Gabi leaves (Taro, shredded)
2 glass of coconut milk, natural or instant (gata, or cocomilk, whatever you call it)
5 cloves of garlic (crushed)
1 medium size onion (sliced)
¼ cup of ginger (sliced)
1 tsp ground pepper
300 grams of Tinapa or smoked fish (deboned)
4 tbsp of Bagoong Alamang (juvenile shrimp paste)

  1. In a pan, combine all the ingredients except Tinapa and Bagoong alamang.
  2. Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the Tinapa and Bagoong, Mix gently until the Alamang scatters all over.
  4. Reduce the heat of the stove and simmer.
  5. Remove from heat when the coonut milk dries out and when you notice some oil.
  6. And serve with rice.